Dear Parents and Students,
We are certainly in a brave, new world as we opened up post-pandemic. I hope that your school year has ended with things buttoned up, so that now you can just rest, recreate and recuperate.
Because IB is a program that is always seeking ways to further student learning of the highest quality, aspects of the program are under continual revision. We have revised our concept of “summer work.” In essence, there will be no “summer work” in the traditional sense of a project or assignment that receives a grade in a class.
Instead, summer activities will be programmatic rather than academic or content-driven.
- All students should review the “presumed knowledge” for each subject below. Students will be tested on this previously mastered material after a review. If any skills or content is new to the student, he/she should attempt to use the resources provided, study, and contact the teacher for assistance as soon as school starts.
- Rising sophomores will work on the Personal Project. The guides have been sent to them via ManageBac. Rising sophomores may also get caught up on A&S if they were notified that they risked starting the year on probation for not having fulfilled their requirements. They have until September 9 to be up to speed.
- Rising seniors will work on the Extended Essay and prepare college application essays. Requirements for the complete draft is here:.8_Structuring and Formatting your Extended Essay. A partial draft with the introduction completed was turned in prior to school’s close. A COMPLETE DRAFT OF THE EE IS DUE IN TOK (to, TO SUPERVISORS (either in hard copy or electronically), and to Lyndaker via SCHOOLOGY ON FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 23. Students may also work on their CAS project, a group activity which each Diploma Candidate must organize with others to show organization and leadership. Students who were identified as not having completed their CAS requirements for junior year must also get caught up by September 9 in order to avoid loss of diploma candidate status.
- For juniors or seniors who will not be taking DP English 11 or 12, you are responsible for the HHS summer reading assignment, if there is one. If you are in another AP class, you are responsible for finding an doing that work.
Because we always encourage students to read — for pleasure as well as enlightenment — please feel free to peruse the lists below of suggested books to read before college.
From Henrico County Libraries: //
From GoodReads:
For SAT/ACT prep:
Books for life readiness:
Books for Black Lives Matter and raising awareness about systemic racism: New York Public Library suggestions:, GoodReads suggested book lists with differing emphases:
In order for students’ minds not to go fallow and so that students feel confident entering school in the fall, please find below links to useful review pages prepared by our teachers. It is also important that all students enter the next school year knowing what teachers have expected them to retain from last year. So, while there is no mandatory product, students and their parents should refresh the information and skills students are accountable for from last year to be ready for tests in the first month of school. Subjects are indicated alphabetically. If a class does not have a list, you are off the hook, other than bringing good sense and a willing attitude to the class. Some classes have supply lists included. If a class does not have a specified list, then the general school supplies at the bottom will suffice to start school. If there were no changes from last year, the document will say 2021-22; it is still relevant!!
MYP Algebra 2: MYP Algebra 2 Presumed Knowledge 2122
MYP Art 9: Supply List: Sketchbook 8 ½ x 11 (Preferably NOT spiral bound) ;Colored Pencils set (a small prisma color set if available where you shop); Drawing Pencils; Basic watercolor palette (general inexpensive kind); 2 Black Sharpies (one thin and one thick); Elmer’s liquid glue and 1 glue stick; pair of Scissors; Ruler, MYP9 Visual Art Presumed Knowledge
MYP Art 10:
DP Art:
DP Biology: SL Bio (Jrs) Presumed Knowledge 2022-23, SL Bio (jrs) TOPIC REVIEW, SL Bio (Jrs) Presumed Knowledge 2022-23
(The text you will use is IB Biology Course Book 2014 edition:Oxford IB Diploma Program, ISBN: 978-0-19- 839211-8)
MYP Biology: MYP Biology Presumed Knowledge
MYP Chemistry: MYP Chemistry Presumed Knowledge
DP Chemistry: DPY1 Presumed Knowledge, DPY2 Presumed Knowledge
MYP and DP Drama: Theatre-Presumed-knowledge
MYP English 9:_Presumed-Knowledge_English-9-IBMYP Hess 22-23
MYP English 10: IBMYP Lv 5 Lang&Lit 22-23 Presumed Knowledge_Frost
DP English 11: These terms and skills are from last year, but they are important ones for you to have a grasp of! AP_common_allusions, Literary Terminology, Presumed Knowledge IB English DP Junior Year
DP English 12: 22-23PresumedKnowledge-Eng
MYP Extended Math: Ext Math Prior Knowledge 06112021
MYP and DP French: MYP & DP French
MYP Geometry: Nelson_Presumed knowledge_MYP Geometry
MYP History 10:10th grade humanities presumed knowledge
DP History: History of the Americas (11): IBDP US History Presumed Knowledge
DP History: World Topics (12) : World Topics Presumed Knowledge
DP Math Applications:
DP Math Analysis: Math Analysis and Approaches Prior Knowledge 2021
MYP PE: IBMYP 9 HPE Presumed Knowledge, IBMYP 10 HPE Presumed Knowledge
DP Psychology: Presumed Knowledge for Psychology HL, Presumed Knowledge for Psychology SL
Textbook excerpt here: . The text you will use is the IB Psychology: Study Guide for the IB Diploma by Jette Hannibal, ISBN 9781447990659
DP and MYP Spanish: DP-Spanish-presumed-knowledge 2022, Spanish MYP presumed knowledge
TOK: The text is Theory of Knowledge, 4th ed. Henly and Sprague, Hodder Press. It is available on Amazon. It is available on Amazon, if you want your own text!
22-23PresumedKnowledge-TOK, Presumed Knowledge Theory of Knowledge IIMathematics_-applications-and-interpretation-Presumed-knowledge
World History and Geography 2: Presumedknowledge_WH2_21-22
In terms of generic supplies, we suggest erasable pens, pencils, highlighting markers, colored pencils, 3-ring binders, hardbound journals, folders, post-its, day planner/organizer, and a good thumb drive.
Where does it show the supplies
In each link there are supplies for that course. I will release a generic list later this month.
Ok thanks
Some teachers may indicate supplies in their documents. In terms of the general supplies, they are listed in the last two lines of the page.