On this page, you may find downloadable versions of all of our course descriptions, outlines, and class policies. They are listed by course and by teacher. All plans are subject to change.
English 11: IBDP English 11 Overview 2021 -2022 Hollowell Class Policies
English 12: IB DP English 12 Overview 2021-2022 Young Policies – TOKand English
Language B: French or Spanish SL or HL
French: DP FR VI Syllabus,
Spanish: Major Spanish DP 2021, Major_Spanish_ class policies
History: History of the Americas (11) and World History Topics (12)SL or HL
History of the Americas: Chipman Subject OverviewIBDP IBUS 2021-2022, HOTA CHIPMAN SYLLABUS 21-22
World History Topics: History 12 IBDP Year Plan
Science: Biology SL or HL and Chemistry SL or HL
Biology: 21-22 IBDP Bio Y1 Subject Overview, IB Biology Syllabus_ Shafer, NO OPTIONS Klenke HL BIO Overview 21-22, Klenke IB Bio HL Y2 Biology Syllabus
Chemistry: IBDP Chemistry Subject Overview Y1 (Mine), IB Chem Y1 Syllabus , IBDP Chemistry Subject Overview Y2, IB Chem Y2 Syllabus
Mathematics: MYP Standard or Extended Math, Mathematical Analysis SL or Mathematical Applications SL
MYP Standard Math: Standard Math Acheampong Subject Overview 2021-2022
MYP Extended Math: Schwieder MYP Extended Math Overview, Extended Math Syllabus 09012021
Mathematical Applications SL IBDP Math AppInt SL Overview Acheampong2122
Mathematical Analysis SL Math AA SL Schwieder Syllabus 09042020
Electives: Psychology SL or HL, Theatre SL or HL, or Visual Arts HL
Psychology: Lyndaker Psychology SL Subject Overview (1), Lyndaker Psychology HL Subject Overview (1), Lyndaker Classroom Policy
Theatre: Engel_DPTheatreSubject_Overview1920, dpmyp_theatre_arts_engelwelcome.policies
Visual Arts: Art_DP Subject Overview
Theory of Knowledge:
11: TOKI Overview 2021-2022, Young Policies – TOKand English
12 TOKII.SubjectOverview.2021, Hollowell Class Policies