Summer Enrichment

Required Summer Enrichment:

IB Class of 2025–Personal Project Folder

IB Class of 2024–Extended Essay Assignment

Presumed knowledge:

MYP English 10

DP English 11      DP English 11 optional summer enrichment

DP English 12

MYP Spanish 2

MYP Spanish 3

MYP Spanish 4

DP Spanish 11 & 12

MYP French 3

MYP French 4

DP French 11 & 12

MYP World History II

MYP US & VA Government

DP History of the Americas 11

DP World Topics 12

DP World Topics–optional enrichment assignment

TOK 11& 12


MYP Extended Math

MYP Biology

DP Biology 11

DP Biology 12

MYP Chemistry

DP Chemistry 11



MYP Theatre Arts

MYP Visual Arts

DP Visual Arts

Recommended Skills and Study Strategies for Each Subject Area

Teachers prepared “tool kits” for students and parents as a resource to improve study skills and learning.  Click on the links for subject-specific tips and strategies.

Technology       Math      Science          History          Language B          Language A    Art            Physical Education

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