Solving Word Problems Using ShowMe

The students in Mrs. Heiberg’s 3rd grade class at Springfield Park worked on solving multi-step word problems using the ShowMe app on the iPads. We did one sample together and then the students found a partner to work with and selected a word problem at random. I used word problems from these sites:

Click to access 3rdgrademultistepproblems.pdf

Click to access twostepwordproblemssetset2.pdf

After reading their problem several times, the students worked out the problem using this worksheet as a planning guide.

Once the planning form was completed, students were able to get an iPad and use the ShowMe app to explain and show how they solved the problem. Check out this example!

Sock Puppet Interviews

The students in Mrs. Moore’s 4th grade class have been reading Tuck Everlasting. As a culminating activity, the students wrote and recorded interview questions for the characters in the story using the SockPuppet app on the iPads. Check out a quick sample.

*Side Note: At this point there is not an easy way to move the videos from the app to an external site. YouTube is an option, but the teacher and I were not able to successfully get them to transfer to the YouTube account. Our solution was to film the interview right off of the iPad.*

Pumpkin Life Cycle

Here is a great idea for Kg & 1st Grade teachers. First have your students watch this video from Teacher Tube on the Life Cycle of a Pumpkin. Then have your students open Popplet Lite on the iPads to make a life cycle of a pumpkin. If you have pictures from your pumpkin patch field trip, that would work great! Check out this example from Ms. Lang’s Kindergarten class.

Mystery Matter

The students in Mrs. Waters first grade class at Springfield Park traveled to “The Cave” (their 21st Century Learning Lab) to experiment with matter. Students in Mrs. McGrath’s class at Glen Lea tried the same experiment. They were provided with 13 different substances and had to determine what the substance was by it’s properties. The students identified that state of matter (solid or liquid), conducted a test to determine if the matter dissolved or not, and then properly identified the color of the substance in order to determine the name of the mystery matter. Prior to testing, students had to make their prediction on the Mystery Matter Recording Sheet.

Students then used the iPad to scan this QR Code using the QR Code Reader App:

This QR Code quickly links the students to the Mystery Matter Website that I created in iWeb to use with this activity.

From here, I showed the students the video of salt dissolving (this is flash based & will not show on the iPad). Then the students clicked to go to the experiment. As they identified the mystery substance, they recorded it next to their prediction on the recording sheet. Check out some photos of the students experimenting.

Click Here for the lesson plan & supporting documents.