This site was created so that teachers can have easy access to Pacing Guides, SOLs, and content for all of their courses. By clicking on the drop down menus, you can access your grade level (Elementary) or content area (Secondary.)
Specialists have placed their resources that used to reside on the teachers.henrico server into Google Docs folders. These folders are linked by SOL to the pacing guides so that teacher will have everything in one place.
To use this site:
Elementary:Click on the Elementary drop down menu to select your grade level or ESL. Directions for using pacing guides for each content area will be on the grade level content pages.
Secondary: Click on the the Secondary drop down menu to select your content area. You will be taken to your content area page. Directions for accessing your course are provided on the content area page.
K-12 Resources: Click on the K-12 drop down menu to select your content area. You will be taken to your content area page. Directions for accessing your course are provided on the content area page.