Fall Patterns on Pixie App

Video Oct 02, 10 35 58 AM from Karen Hues on Vimeo.

In this lesson, Kindergarten students practiced searching through the database of Stikers in Pixie to locate fall pictures to use in their pattern. The students created a pattern, labeled the pattern with the paint tools, and then recorded their voice to explain their pattern. After the pattern and recording were complete, the students went to “Send” and “exported their video.” This sends the completed video to the camera roll, which can then be sent to dropbox or Google Drive.

Humpty Dumpty Concept of Word

The Kindergarten students have been working on concept of word using familiar nursery rhymes. For this activity, the students have been learning Humpty Dumpty. The teacher used cameroid.com to choose the Humpty Dumpty scene. This allowed the students to take a picture of themselves as Humpty Dumpty. From there, the teacher put all of the saved and downloaded photos into a folder in their Dropbox account.

During our lesson, the students went to the dropbox app (the teacher needs to log in ahead of time), and save their photo from dropbox to the camera roll. Once in the camera roll, the students launched the Chatterpix Kids app. This allows the students to bring in their picture, draw a mouth on their picture, and record themselves reading the Humpty Dumpty nursery rhyme. Here is an example:

Video Sep 17, 8 57 28 AM from Karen Hues on Vimeo.

Finally, we went back to dropbox, created a folder for the Humpty Dumpty videos, and uploaded the students work to this folder in Dropbox. The teacher can then send a dropbox link to each student’s parents so they can view the finished video.

Composing & Editing Writing with Google Docs

This year, the elementary students are able to log into their Henrico Google Account and use the Google Applications. For this lesson, I set up the usernames and passwords for Ms. Herod’s 5th grade class at Longan. The students logged into their account and opened a new Doc. Ms. Herod gave them a prompt and we allowed them to type their descriptive paragraph(s) for about 30 minutes.

Next the students went to the share settings and shared their document with a classmate and their teacher. When the students clicked on their Shared with Me folder, they saw a document from one of their classmates. This allowed them to open their classmate’s Doc and use the commenting feature to suggest ways in which they could improve their paragraph. Students were looking for grammatical errors, spelling, punctuation, run on sentences, etc.

At the end of the lesson, the students asked if they could continue editing their friend’s writing for homework, so I think they enjoyed this new way of editing writing!

Since we have had such an amazing response with the students using computers and learning how to use Google Docs, Google Maps and learning the history of computers, we decided to add in a few after school classes for those students who want more. We are bringing in a class on coding and another class that will cover things like migration, encryption and technical grid technology. All at an elementary school level.