Category Archives: spreadsheet
3rd Grade Patterns and In-Out Boxes
Third graders at Varina Elementary have been learning how to identify, create, and extend patterns in Math (SOL3.16), so today students in Ms. Lanham’s class created patterns with Google Sheets. First, I gave the students a template to use that has fewer cells and a larger font size than Google’s default spreadsheet. Since this was…
4th Grade Decimals Calculator
Fourth graders at Trevvett have been learning about decimals up to thousandths. They have learned how to compare decimals and round them (SOL4.3). Today, students in Ms. Cockrum’s class created their own decimals calculators with Google sheets. First, I asked if they knew of a calculator that could add or subtract decimals. They all did….
5th Grade Hurricane Hypothesis
Fifth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about the scientific method: forming a hypothesis, collecting data, taking measurements, graphing information, and analyzing the results (SOL5.1). Since Virginia is currently facing the threat of Hurricane Florence, and since the 5th graders need to review weather (SOL4.6), we decided to research hurricanes using the scientific method….
5th Grade Hurricane Hypothesis
Fifth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about the scientific method: forming a hypothesis, collecting data, taking measurements, graphing information, and analyzing the results (SOL5.1). Since Virginia is currently facing the threat of Hurricane Florence, and since the 5th graders need to review weather (SOL4.6), we decided to research hurricanes using the scientific method….
3rd Grade Mali Perimeter & Area
Third graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about perimeter and area in Math (SOL3.10), and they have been studying the ancient civilization of Mali in History (SOL3.2). Today, students in Ms. Cockrum’s class found the perimeter and area of the famous Malian city, Timbuktu. First, we found Timbuktu on Google maps and used the…
5th Grade Mean, Median, Mode, and Range
Fifth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning how to find the mean, median, mode, and range of a set of data (SOL5.16c). They have also been making stem-and-leaf plots (SOL5.15). Today students in Ms. Primrose’s class discovered how to accomplish these tasks using a Google spreadsheet. First, we opened a blank spreadsheet by clicking…
5th Grade Comparing Fractions & Decimals
Fifth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning how to compare fractions and decimals (SOL5.2). Today students in Ms. Messer’s class learned how use a spreadsheet to convert fractions to decimals and compare them. First, we opened a blank Google spreadsheet and wrote the following column headers: Fraction 1, Compare, Fraction 2, (Blank), Decimal 1,…
4th Grade Virginia Tally Marks & Graphs
Fourth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about Virginia geography (VS.2) and Jamestown (VS.3) in Social Studies, and they have been making bar graphs in Math (SOL4.14). Today students in Ms. Belcher’s class chose a Virginia topic, created a spinner out of its subtopics, tallied the spins, and graphed the results. First, we reviewed…
3rd Grade Animal Habitats Graph
We’re on an animal habitats streak here! In previous posts I’ve shown how your habitats unit (SOL3.4) can reinforce the skills you are teaching in Social Studies and Reading. Now we’ll see how it can reinforce Math concepts as well. At Trevvett Elementary, third graders have been learning about graphing (3.17), so today students in…
5th Grade Comparing Virginia Rivers
Fifth graders at Laburnum Elementary have been reviewing the rivers of Virginia (VS.2c) and watersheds (SOL4.9) in Social Studies and Science. They have also been multiplying decimals in Math (SOL5.5a). So today students in Mr. Hofilena’s class used those skills to compare Virginia Rivers. First we discussed ways to compare the rivers. Everyone agreed that…