Category Archives: 3rd Grade
Coding with Cycles
Third graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about cycles (SOL3.8): the lunar cycle and plant and animal life cycles. Today students in Ms. Smith’s class used basic coding skills to create animated diagrams of a cycle of their choosing. First we went to the Scratch website and created an account. Scratch is a programing…
Digital Learning Day is Coming Up!!
February 23rd is Digital Learning Day! That’s this THURSDAY!!!! Digital Learning Day is a time to try a new digital tool with your class or use an old digital tool in a new way. Check out this short video about DLD!! The Elementary ITRT’s worked together to create various Digital Breakouts. Use the following website …
3rd Grade Valentine Machines
Third graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about simple machines in Science (SOL3.2) and adding and subtracting money in Math (SOL3.8). Today students in Ms. Whittaker’s class created their own Valentine machines with a money math problem for their classmates to solve. First I made a copy of a blank Google slideshow for each…
CovaisTech Roundup Episode 2!
Episode 2! In this episode I talk about 3D printing, the Hour of Code and literacy activities on the iPad.
Links to what I talk about:
3D Cell lesson
Hour of Code
Puppet EDU
CovaisTech Roundup Episode 2!
Episode 2! In this episode I talk about 3D printing, the Hour of Code and literacy activities on the iPad.
Links to what I talk about:
3D Cell lesson
Hour of Code
Puppet EDU
3rd Grade Elapsed Time Comics
Third graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about elapsed time in one-hour increments (SOL3.11b). Today, students in Ms. Long’s class created comics to show their own elapsed time math problems. First we discussed different situations that take several hours, like a sports game, a special event, or traveling. Each student thought of an idea,…
3rd Grade Matter Animations
Third graders at Trevvett have been learning about how matter undergoes physical and chemical changes (SOL3.3). Physical changes don’t change the type of matter, like breaking, cutting, or melting. Chemical changes change the type of matter, like burning, cooking, and rusting. Today students in Ms. Robinison’s class used ABCYa! Animate to create animations showing physical…
3rd Grade Temperature Predictions & Comparisons
Third graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about the motions of the Earth in Science (SOL3.8a) and temperature in Math (SOL3.13). Today we predicted, researched, and compared temperatures from around the world, and then discussed reasons why they were so different. I gave each student a copy of a blank Google slideshow, and showed…
3rd Grade Graphing Plant Growth
Third graders at Trevvett Elementary have been studying plants (SOL3.5), measurement (SOL3.9a), and graphing (SOL3.17), so today students in Ms. Hufnell’s class learned how to graph their plant measurements using Google sheets. Over a 4-week period, they have measured and compared the growth of kale and brussels sprouts in the Trevvett Learning Garden. They had…
3rd Grade Measuring the Colosseum
Third graders at Holladay Elementary have been studying ancient Greece and Rome in Social Studies (SOL3.1) and measurement in Math (SOL3.9). Today students in Ms. Middleton’s class practiced measuring the Roman Colosseum using Google maps. I previously taught a lesson on measuring the Parthenon, but I wanted to show them the new 3-D feature, so…