Category Archives: webtools

2nd Grade Famous Americans eBook

Second graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about famous Americans: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Jackie Robinson, and Martin Luther King, Jr. (SOL2.11). Today, students in Ms. Fletcher’s class created an eBook (electronic book) about all of them. First, we reviewed the famous Americans, and they chose one whom they…

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3rd Grade Loopy Cycles

Third graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning all about cycles: animal life cycles, plant life cycles, seasons, and the phases of the moon (SOL3.8). Today students in Ms. Ambrose’s class used a website called Loopy to demonstrate how one of these cycles works. First we reviewed the steps in each cycle and pointed out…

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4th Grade Planet Books

Fourth graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about the planets in Science (SOL4.7), and they have been identifying nonfiction text structures in Language Arts (SOL4.6a). Today, students in Ms. Anthony’s class used BookCreator to make books about the planets with nonfiction text structures. First, they chose a planet to research and spent a few…

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3rd Grade 3-D Animal Reports

Third graders at Holladay Elementary have been studying animals and their habitats in Science (SOL3.4, 3.5, 3.6). They have also been learning about how to write research reports in Language Arts (SOL3.11). Today students in Ms. Ambrose’s class researched an animal of their choice with PebbleGo and created a 3-D report using CoSpaces. First, students…

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4th Grade Virginia Tally Marks & Graphs

Fourth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about Virginia geography (VS.2) and Jamestown (VS.3) in Social Studies, and they have been making bar graphs in Math (SOL4.14). Today students in Ms. Belcher’s class chose a Virginia topic, created a spinner out of its subtopics, tallied the spins, and graphed the results. First, we reviewed…

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3rd Grade Multiplication Arrays

Third graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about multiplication arrays (SOL3.6), so today students in Ms. Forrester’s class created videos explaining multiplication arrays with Educreations. First, we reviewed arrays and how to use them to solve a multiplication problem. I pointed out that they probably wouldn’t want to make a big array (like 12×12)…

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4th Grade Powhatan Dioramas

Fourth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about the Indian tribes of Virginia and their language groups (VS.2d,e). Today students in Ms. Connell’s class created virtual 3-D dioramas of a tribe of their choice using CoSpaces. First, we reviewed the tribes (Powhatan, Monacan, and Cherokee), their language groups (Algonquian, Siouan, and Iroquoian), and where…

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3rd Grade Animal Habitats Graph

We’re on an animal habitats streak here! In previous posts I’ve shown how your habitats unit (SOL3.4) can reinforce the skills you are teaching in Social Studies and Reading. Now we’ll see how it can reinforce Math concepts as well. At Trevvett Elementary, third graders have been learning about graphing (3.17), so today students in…

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3rd Grade Animal Nonfiction Books

Third graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about animals in Science and nonfiction text elements in Reading (SOL3.6c). Today students in Ms. Hummel’s class used Book Creator to design a nonfiction book about an animal. First the students chose an animal and did some quick research online to find interesting facts about their animal….

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3rd Grade Animal Nonfiction Books

Third graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about animals in Science and nonfiction text elements in Reading (SOL3.6c). Today students in Ms. Hummel’s class used Book Creator to design a nonfiction book about an animal. First the students chose an animal and did some quick research online to find interesting facts about their animal….

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