3rd Grade Ancient Civilizations Maps

CaptureThird graders at Davis Elementary have been preparing diligently for the upcoming SOL Tests. To help them review their map skills and the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, and Mali (SOL3.4), students in Ms. Parkinson’s class created ancient civilization maps using Google maps today. First I posted a link to My Google Maps on Google classroom. Students clicked the “Create a new map” button and typed a title like “3rd Grade Review.” Then we tried to find important landmarks for each civilization without using the “Search” feature. For Greece, we located the Parthenon in Athens, and placed a marker on it. I showed them how to add a picture to the marker and customize the map icon. We placed a similar marker on the Colosseum in Rome and on Timbuktu in Mali. For our last location, I wanted to show them how to create a custom icon, so we found Davis Elementary on the map and placed a marker on it. We clicked the paint bucket > More icons > Custom icon > Webcam and took a photo of ourselves. Then we selected that photo as our marker icon for Davis. Finally we shared our maps to “Anyone with the link” and pasted the links on Google classroom for everyone to see. You can see them all here. Be sure to zoom into each marker to see the actual buildings.

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