
Fourth graders at Chamberlayne Elementary have been learning about the three abolitionists: John Brown, Nat Turner and Harriet Tubman. Yesterday students chose to take on the role as one of these abolitionists and were challenged to use the Dell Webcam to make a recording telling about their importance in history. Students pulled their clip into a Powerpoint slide in which they added a title and typed several questions that could be answered when someone views their movie.

This is one of my favorites from Mrs. Albis’ class:

John Brown from Julie on Vimeo.

Students in Mrs. Waggoner’s class submitted their final product via a shared Google folder and we compiled all of their slides into one big Powerpoint. Students will be able to visit the Powerpoint later in the week to watch each other’s videos and answer the questions. This will make a GREAT listening comprehension activity during their reading block. Check out some of Mrs. Waggoner’s abolitionists:

Abolitionists from Julie on Vimeo.

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