Jamestown Web Quest

by Kate Brown, SUNY New Paltz

Students will pretend to be English settlers of Jamestown Virginia, the first permanent English settelment in North America. Each student will use the historical information he/she collects through reading articles, watching short videos and listening to audio clips to write three journal entries from the point of view of a settler.


Jamestown, Virginia was the first English Settlement in North America. The settlers were given the important and exciting task of establishing themselves in a new land! Along the way they encountered many surprises, challenges and hardships. After learning about their experiences, you will write three journal entries from the point of view of an English settler in Jamestown, Virginia.


Imagine you are an English settler in Jamestown, Virginia circa 1607. You will write three journal entries describing your experiences from the day you arrive in the new land.

The first entry will be written on the day you arrive at your destination.

The second entry will be written a few years later, during one of the most trying times of the settlement.

The third entry will be written a few years after that, at a time when Jamestown was finally becoming stable.

For each entry you will be given a set of guiding questions and links to articles, videos and audio clips that will help you answer those questions and gather information for your journal entry.

Remember to be creative when writing your entries. Think about how the settlers must have felt throughout their experiences.

Don’t forget to incorporate historical information and facts that you gather along the way!


Before you begin writing your journal entries you need to have a solid understanding about the settelment at Jamestown, Virginia. The following links will lead you to basic background information that you will build on later. You can always come back to these as references when writing your entries.



Introductory Video

Informational Video


Using the following links to information about the Jamestown settlment, time frames, and guiding questions/points, you will write three journal entries from the point of view of an English settler.

For each entry, be sure to address all of the guiding questions or points presented. Also, pay attention to the dates you choose for your entries (refer to the timeline for this). Dates should be historically accurate to the time frames and events you will be describing. For example, the time frame for Journal Entry I is: “The day the settlers arrive at destination,” so after refering to the timeline and seeing when this event occured you will use it for the date of your journal entry. Time frames for journal entries II and III are less specific.

It will help you to take notes and answer the guiding questions as you are exploring and researching. This way you can look back on the information you have collected and focus on presenting it in a creative way while writing your entries later.

Journal Entry I

Time frame: The day the settlers arrive at destination

Guiding Questions:

  1. What was England’s intention for sending you and the other settlers to found this new land?/What did they hope you would find?
  2. How was the ship voyage? Briefy describe the hardships and discomforts you endured.
  3. Where exactly on the land did you decide to settle and why?/What purpose did this location serve?
  4. What immediate challenges do you face and forsee?


Audio about the first voyage

About Jamestown

Journal Entry II

Time frame: During the “Starving Time”

Guiding Questions:

  1. What is going on in the settlement during this time? Descibe your daily life along with the multiple challenges you and the other settlers are facing and your attempts to combat them.
  2. Is anything being done to help the settlment? If so, what? (Think about England)


Journal Entry III

Time frame: When there is finally some stability

Guiding Questions:

  1. What are some of the factors that helped establish stability and peace in Jamestown? Be sure to mention and dscribe the following: the role of women, the relationship with the Powhatans, Pocahontas, trade, and tobacco.
  2. How does the future look for the settlment?/ What do you expect to happen and why?


Womens Role

Factors Leading to Survival

*(Do not have to read entire Essay. Scroll down midway and read section titled: What Factors Lead to The Survival and Growth of Jamestown?“)

Tobacco and Economy



Clarification and Additional Information:

Common Questions and Answers

Using the information you’ve gathered and your notes, write your journal entries according to the guidelines. Be sure to include everything that is being asked for and don’t forget to be creative! Put yourself in the shoes of an English settler- how would they feel going through all of these experiences?

When you feel that you are finished writing, choose a partner to do a peer review. Looking over the rubric, you will take time to peer review each others journal entries and make sure you have each fulfilled each task completely. When you are finished peer reviewing, edit your journal entries according to what your partner suggested.