On this page, you may find downloadable versions of all of our course descriptions, our year plans showing horizontal and vertical articulation, and class policies. They are listed by subject and by teacher. All plans are subject to change.
Literature and Language: English
English 9: IBMYP 4 Subject Overview_English_2021-2022
English 10: Frost_21-22 IBMYP Subject Overview_ Lang & Lit Year 5
Language Acquisition: French and Spanish
French 3:MYP Subject Overview Level III FR (003) Aboulhosn policies
French 4: IBMYP Subject Overview Level IV French, Aboulhosn policies
Spanish 2:MARSHALL Spanish 2 IBMYP Subject Overview, FINALSp 2 IBMYP Subject Overview_Vertical
Spanish 3: FINALSp 3 IBMYP Subject Overview
Spanish 4 20-21 spanish 4 subject overview, Major_Spanish_ class policies
Individuals and Societies
WH&G 2: 21-22 IBMYP Subject Overview
US/VA Govt: Rigler_2021_IBMYP Subject Overview, 2122 Rigler Syllabus and outline combined
Biology and Chemistry
Biology: IBMYP Biology Subject Overview
Chemistry: IB MYP Chemistry Subject Overview
Maths: Geometry, Algebra 2, Standard Math, and Extended Math
Geometry MYPGeometry_Year_Plandocx (1)
Algebra II: Palen 2122 MYP Subject Overview Algebra 2
Standard Math: Standard Math Acheampong Subject Overview 2021-2022
Extended Math: Schwieder MYP Extended Math Overview, Extended Math Syllabus 09012021
Drama 9:Engel_2019-20 MYPDrama9 Subject Overview, dpmyp_theatre_arts_engelwelcome.policies
Drama 10: Engel_MYPDrama10_Overview1920, dpmyp_theatre_arts_engelwelcome.policies
(Ms. Engel is currently on maternity leave and will return on November 9. Updates will be provided then)
Visual Arts 9: Scurlock2021-22MYP 9 Art Subject Overview
Visual Arts 10: 2122 MYP 10 Art Subject Overview
Health and Physical Education:
9: Kozacek 9H PE Subject overview
10: Mitchell 10HPE