Category Archives: Uncategorized

Habitat Help! – 4677

Summary Students researched a favorite animal and its habitat. Each group used a website to build/create an animal that would […] Continue reading

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Glen Allen Art Teacher SHINES!

The 3rd grade students in Mrs. Siler’s 3rd grade art class are really shining this year! The school wide theme is Illuminate the Possibilities and SHINE stands for: Self Control, Hard Work, Integrity, Never Quit, and Empathy. The students drew … Continue reading Continue reading

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Aurasma Update

Things have gone well so far with learning about the Aurasma App.  I have taken the idea to a couple K Teachers, and the wheels are spinning!  Today, I took my learning a step further. This time instead of making a practice Aura, I decided to put one in action.  Mrs. Bortner, K Teacher at […] Continue reading

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See Ya Next Fall! – 4676

Summary Kindergarten students are challenged to form groups and establish roles to problem solve the authentic task of becoming experts […] Continue reading

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Taking Action

The students in Miss Byrd’s third grade class studied animal habitats and the effects of humans on the environment and were outraged with their findings.  They wanted to do something to help prevent the destruction of animal habitats so they did research, created movies, and then wanted to share them with others.  They used their […] Continue reading

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Animal Research-4675

Summary Students will use a variety of resources and technologies to research the body coverings and habitats of animal adults […] Continue reading

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Using Picasaweb to Embed Pictures & Slideshows

Attached are the directions for using Picasaweb for embedding pictures and slideshows to your Henrico blog.  Picasaweb Directions
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Tech Tip Tuesday – Adding Mailboxes

I’m sure you’ve seen this message at some point when trying to send someone an email: “The recipient’s mailbox is full and can’t accept messages now. Microsoft Exchange will not try to redeliver this message for you. Please try resending this message later, or contact the recipient directly.” As annoying as this is for you […] Continue reading

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Collect Data with Form Plugins

Blog administrators can create powerful data collection tools using forms plugins, such as Gravity forms and cForms. If you would like assistance implementing blog forms, contact your schools ITRT.  To create your own cForm: Download directions or: From the Dashboard, Select … Continue reading Continue reading

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Tech Tip Tuesday – Screen Shots

Many times when talking and emailing with teachers, I’ll say, “Just take a screen shot and send it to me.” or “Take a screen shot and print it out that way.” or “Take a screen shot of it to show your students.”  Half the time, I get this crazy look like a have three heads […] Continue reading

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