Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sock Puppet Interviews

The students in Mrs. Moore’s 4th grade class have been reading Tuck Everlasting. As a culminating activity, the students wrote and recorded interview questions for the characters in the story using the SockPuppet app on the iPads. Check out a … Continue reading Continue reading

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H21 Lesson Submissions

All H21 lessons need to be submitted to the school based team by Friday, March 8th 2013.  There is a folder in your school’s VOL1  so teachers can easily drop their lesson.  Please create a folder labeled with your first and last name and include your lesson plan, lesson resources, and student artifacts. March 11th-28th: […] Continue reading

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Blood on the River Google Earth Lit Trip

The students in Mrs. Moore’s 4th grade class at Springfield Park read Blood on the River during their study of Jamestown.  As the students read, they filled out a Google Form with the description and setting of important events in … Continue reading Continue reading

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I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ice Cream! – 4678

Summary Students will research and learn about the freezing point of liquids. In addition, students will investigate matter changing state […] Continue reading

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Blog Background Design Resource

Looking to spice up your blog page? Depending on your theme, you can change the background color or design of your blog. In the past, I used, but I always seem to have problems with the images showing up on our school network. Instead of searching out a new site, I decided to simply go […] Continue reading

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Customizable QR Codes

Using QR Codes in the classroom isn’t a new idea. There are multiple websites that you can use to make and create QR Codes. Two of my favorites are and You can actually save your made QR Codes in Delivr, so I find myself using this website more and more. Here is a […] Continue reading

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Multiple Google Accounts

Logging in and out of Google accounts can be very frustrating and time consuming.  All of my schools are using Google accounts for COW checkout and teachers are using their own Henrico Google account and maybe even a personal Google account.  Chrome … Continue reading

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Elapsed Time – My Perfect Day

The students in Mrs. Dawe’s 4th grade class at Glen Allen Elementary have been working on elapsed time in math class. As a culminating activity, the students created a timeline of their perfect day. They used Prezi to create a … Continue reading Continue reading

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Blogs have been Updated!

Our county’s WordPress Blogging system has been updated. I am writing this post in one of the fun new features of the update – writing the post directly from the main Dashboard Page. Talk about making life easier as a teacher! Another great addition is the update with the new theme: Twenty Twelve. I haven’t […] Continue reading

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HCPS Blogs updated to WordPress v3.5

Welcome to WordPress 3.5! Thank you for updating to the latest version! WordPress 3.5 is more polished and enjoyable than ever before. We hope you like it. New Media Manager Beautiful Interface Adding media has been streamlined with an all-new … Continue reading Continue reading

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