Category Archives: Third Grade
December 18, 2013 Ward
Today in third grade, students worked on extending patterns with input and output. This is a lesson that was created with the math coach Debi Godfrey and myself in Pixie. Students have to make predictions and find the pattern and … Continue reading → Continue reading
Discovery Education Board Builder
I know teachers have been using Discovery Education for many years in Henrico County. Liz Jessee and my 3rd grade team at Short Pump Elementary School showed me Boards, which was a new feature to me! With the board builder students and teachers can make digital posters displaying material that they learn in class. These are …
Writing Assignments in Google Classroom
Ms. Jessee’s third grade class has been using Google Classroom to complete their pre-writing assignments. As a class they use the Stoplight Writing outline. Instead of having her students complete this on paper Ms. Jessee put the outline into a Google Doc and shared it to her class through Google Classroom. There are SO many …
What is It is a helpful tool that you can use when incorporating research into your classroom. Although there are many bookmarking sites that can be found on the Internet, creates a bookmarking header for easy navigation between̷… Continue reading
Child Lure Videos at Varina
Rebekah Goehler, Varina’s social worker, has been presenting information on child lures that predators use to entice children. To help with classroom lessons, we used students from several classes at Varina to act out scenarios dealing with six of the lures. We created videos for classes to use to see “first hand” how these lures […] Continue reading
Varina 3rd grade video conference with Mehfoud
The third graders in Mrs. Caird’s class read stories to a kindergarten class from Mehfoud… by video conferencing! They acted out “The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig” and “The Little Red Hen” for the kindergarten students. We all had a great time and hope to be able to do it again!!
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3rd Grade Explorer Keynote at Longan
The third graders learned how to use the Keynote program by completing a presentation dealing with the explorers they study. When they were finished, they had a presentation they could use to study from. They loved using the program…
Click here to download the project…3_Explorers
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3rd Grade Animal Podcast
The students in Mr. Schwitters’ third grade class at Ridge drew a picture of an animal in Pixie and researched information about the animal, then they combined the two activities into one podcast. As the student presented information about the animal, their drawing of the animal was displayed. They are still working on it, but […] Continue reading
Third Grade Animal Database
The third graders at Ridge explored using a database while researching animals. The students added information dealing with the types of eaters the animals are, whether they are predators or if they are prey, and what type of habitat they live in.
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Third Grade Fall writing with Pages
The third graders at Pinchbeck Elementary learned how to use the Pages program by writing about Fall. They also added a picture that represented what they wrote. They really enjoyed chaging fonts, sizes, and colors in their writing.
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