Category Archives: Student 21

Student 21 Submission

Christian research and created an interactive Prezi presentation on the rock cycle. He included pictures and videos in a 60 minute lesson to engage other students in his 5th grade class on Igneous, Metamorphic, and Sedimentary Rocks. Submitted by: Christian … Continue reading Continue reading

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Student 21 Submission

A’nya and Brady collaborated in their 2nd grade class to create an outstanding Mixbook project. They included essential information on the Pueblo, Lakota, and Powhatan tribe. Pictures were downloaded from Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest and inserted into their creative project! The … Continue reading Continue reading

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Student 21 Submission

Tiffany and Regan were presented with a problem…. The oceans are in danger and everyone is contributing. Tiffany and Regan would then research what dangers were facing the nearest ocean and how they, as fifth graders at Shady Grove Elementary, … Continue reading Continue reading

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Student 21 Submission

Charlie, Chris, and Colin were scientists that received a letter from a “museum” that asked them to describe their newly discovered animals adaptations and needs. The “museum” required scientists to submit an application in order to have their newly discovered … Continue reading Continue reading

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Student 21 Submission

Kelly developed a creative Mixbook project to highlight important terms and dates from the Jamestown Unit. She researched important information on Artifacts & Archaeologists, Eastern Woodland Indians, Werowocomoco, Reasons for picking Jamestown in 1607, Hardships at Jamestown, Christopher Newport, Captain … Continue reading Continue reading

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J.E.B. Journey

Our idea for ” J.E.B. Journey” came from the tableaus we created at the end of our Henrico County history unit. Tableaus are frozen moments in time but we decided to research some of the other moments surrounding that one J.E.B. moment. Starting the J.E.B Continue reading Continue reading

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From Africa to Rome to Richmond

Lexi Pasternak has had opportunities to visit far-away places and bring them directly to the students at Ridge Elementary via blogging, GooglePresentation, iMovie and Skype. In the fall Lexi visited Africa. She Skyped and blogged with the class from Africa while on safari. We had Continue reading Continue reading

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