Category Archives: Social Studies
1st Grade Pictures of the Past
Learning the difference between the past and present (SOL 1.1) is a difficult concept for first graders to understand since they have little to no experience of life in the past. Providing lots of opportunities to see and hear about the past through videos, stories, and pictures is essential for helping them understand the differences. […] Continue reading
Kindergarten Timelines About Martin Luther King, Jr.
Kindergarteners at Holladay Elementary have been learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. since his birthday is this month (SOL K.1b). Today we created a timeline of his life using Dipity. Dipity makes it easy to create a cool, interactive timeline (you can see ours embedded below). First I took them to my Martin Luther King, […] Continue reading
2nd Grade American Indian Websites
Second graders at Laburnum Elementary are currently reviewing the American Indian tribes they’ve been studying for the past several weeks (Powhatan, Lakota, and Pueblo). So to help them review, they made websites today using CheckThis. CheckThis is a great way for elementary students to create websites because it doesn’t require a login, and adding new […] Continue reading
Kindergarten School Maps
Kindergarten students at Holladay Elementary have been learning all about maps (SOL K.4 & K.5) so today they created simple maps of their school. First I showed them how to find their school in Google Earth, and I pointed out that maps show how places look from above. Next we opened a Pixie template that […] Continue reading
3rd & 4th Grade Videos with Green Screen Effects
Third and fourth grade students at Chamberlayne Elementary learned how to use green screen effects for videos today, just like the ones professional movie producers use. The green screen effect is great for making it look like you are standing right in front of a historical landmark, or a habitat you are studying in science, […] Continue reading
4th Grade Blog Posts for MLK Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is coming up on Monday, so fourth grade students in Ms. Tonello’s class created blog posts about him using Instablogg. I’ve been using this site a lot lately because it’s easy to use, there’s no login required, and it provides a link to go back and edit the site later. […] Continue reading
Kindergarten Martin Luther King Jr. Videos
Kindergarten students have been learning about Martin Luther King, Jr. since his birthday is coming up (today is actually his real birthday, but we’re celebrating it on Monday). They have learned that Dr. King gave many speeches, so today they recorded a speech of their own, saying things that he would say. Then, to make […] Continue reading
4th Grade Review Sites by Students
Today fourth grade students in Ms. Hall’s class at Laburnum Elementary created websites for each other (and anyone else) to help them review for upcoming tests. First I told them to pick a topic that they know a lot about. It could be from Math, Science, or Social Studies. Next we went to CheckThis which […] Continue reading
2nd Grade Indian Animations
Second graders in Ms. Marable’s class at Laburnum Elementary made animations about the different Indian tribes using Keynote today. First each student selected a tribe: Lakota, Powhatan, or Lakota. Then they opened up Keynote and did a Google image search for a picture of the region occupied by their tribe. I showed them how to […] Continue reading
1st Grade Goods & Services Town
Today first graders at Chamberlayne Elementary combined their knowledge of map skills (SOL1.4) and goods and services (SOL1.7) in a special project. Each class created their own interactive town map where you could click on a building and see whether it produced goods or services. Here’s how we did it. First we discussed what goods […] Continue reading