Category Archives: Pixie
Nuckols Farm, January 26, 2012
Today Mrs. Cooke’s students worked on money. Students sorted money in Pixie. They also used coins to buy items. We also practiced with a few websites. If you would like to use these in your kindergarten class, click on the link below. Money Mrs. McCrae’s students began learning about StoryKit on the iPads. I took … Continue reading → Continue reading
Nuckols Farm January 12, 2012
Today Mrs. Cooke’s class reviewed sink and float. Students worked on a Pixie activity where they had to determine which items would sink, and which would float. If you would like to try this activity, click below. Sink and Float We also worked on magnets. Students had to determine which objects were attracted to the […] Continue reading
2nd Grade Winter Adaptation Ads
Today 2nd graders at Laburnum Elementary made Winter Adaptation Ads. I gave them a Pixie template that you can download by clicking here. They decided which character they wanted to be and dressed the character up for winter. Next they chose an animal that has some sort of winter adaptation such as hibernation or migration. […] Continue reading
1st Grade Earth/Space Pixie
Today first graders at Chamberlayne Elementary made instructional videos explaining what they know about the movements of the Earth, sun, and moon. They started out with a blank Pixie template and I showed them how to add text and change the font, size, and color. Next we went to the stickers folder and searched for […] Continue reading
Montrose December 12, 2011
Today Ms. Bond’s and Mrs. Young’s first grade classes worked in Pixie. The students created snowmen. They made their face the top of the snowman. They then typed sentences about their snowman.
Nuckols Farm December 1, 2011
Today Mrs. Cooke’s kindergarten class worked on telling time. First, we worked on a Pixie activity. Next the students worked on telling time with ABC YA and the Willy the Watchdog.
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Fair Oaks, November 22, 2011
Mrs. Menon’s third grade students began creating a Comic Life about Greece. Students added pictures and facts about the geography of Greece, food, culture, and artwork in Greece. Students did not finish in the time we had. I cannot wait to see their finished products. Mrs. Harrison’s first graders worked in Pixie today. Students did […] Continue reading
Montrose, November 21, 2011
Today, Mrs. Driver, the librarian at Montrose was working on reference materials with the fourth graders. I worked with at small group writing stories in Story Bird. Students loved working in this site to create their own story. Mrs. Bryne’s kindergarten class pretended they were pilgrims. They typed what they were most thankful for in […] Continue reading
Nuckols Farm, November 17, 2011
Today kindergarten students at Nuckols Farm worked on Thanksgiving Pixie projects. Some showed what the Pilgrim and Native American might have feasted on in the past. One class thought about what it would have been like to be a pilgrim and what they … Continue reading
Kindergarten Thanksgiving Resources
Thanksgiving is fast approaching, and several kindergarten classes have been working on technology projects (K.1b). Today at Holladay, they put themselves back in time at the first Thanksgiving and set food on the table in Pixie. They also recorded their voices telling about their Thanksgiving traditions and what they are thankful for. Click to watch […] Continue reading