Category Archives: Pixie
Pictograph Fun at Pinchbeck
The students in Ms. Smith’s second grade class paired up and came up with their own survey questions. Ms. Smith’s class then went out into the school and surveyed the other students. Each pair took their results and made a … Continue reading → Continue reading
1st Grade Counting by Tens
First grade students in Ms. Gerrard’s class at Davis Elementary have been learning how to county by tens to 100 in math (SOL1.2). They have also been studying about the Earth and sun in science (SOL1.6). So today we combined both topics into one lesson using Pixie & Keynote… a big task for first graders, […] Continue reading
2nd Grade Math Word Problems
Today 2nd grade students in Ms. Ambrose’s class at Holladay Elementary created simple Pixie animations to show addition and subtraction word problems that they made up themselves. First they went to the Stickers library and selected a certain number of whichever object they wanted. That was their beginning number, and they added the number using […] Continue reading
Kindergarten Beginning Sounds Pixie
People outside of work are often surprised when I tell them that I teach kindergarten students how to use the computer. But I tell them that kindergarteners often catch on very quickly, more quickly than adults sometimes. It certainly was true today for Ms. Miller’s kindergarten students at Holladay Elementary. It was my first lesson […] Continue reading
1st & 3rd Grade Migration Pixies
First (SOL1.7) and third (SOL3.4) grades are both learning about migration at this time since it’s the fall. So I’ve been doing research projects with both grades and we’ve been using Pixie to present our findings. First students selected an animal that migrates (monarch butterfly, wildebeest, caribou, whale, salmon, etc), then they went to PebbleGo […] Continue reading
1st Grade “Animal” Tracking
First grade students at Davis Elementary have been learning about animal migration (SOL1.7) and we discovered that scientists learn about where animals migrate by attaching tracking devices to them. We discussed why scientists wouldn’t be able to directly observe where the animals went (some swim, some fly, and some travel faster than a scientist can!) […] Continue reading
2nd Grade has been busy
Ancient China: CLICK HERE for a pdf that has a stem activity for ancient China. Here are some ways to include technology to the lesson. Instead of a given site, have a group of sites using and students are needing to find and cite their research. Use Pixie to design their flags Use Pages or […] Continue reading
4th Grade Plant Prezis
Fourth graders at Chamberlayne Elementary have been studying the parts of a flowering plant (SOL 4.4) so today they made interactive diagrams of a flower using Prezi. First they drew a picture of a flower in Pixie. They looked at online photos to get different ideas for the type of flower they wanted to draw. […] Continue reading
Talking Simple Machines
Over the past few weeks, I have been teaching students and teachers how to use Photobooth, Keynote, and Pixie to made “Talking Heads” of Famous Americans and Explorers. We have moved on from having only people talk, and now we are making inanimate objects come to life. The third graders at Seven Pines Elementary are […] Continue reading
Blabberize = #Fail – New Idea Emerges
I am a big fan. I love it’s possibilities that allow users to make stagnant pictures “talk.” I love the fact that it is the student’s own voice that goes along with the project. I love idea of making inanimate objects “talk” and review content. All that being said, it is just not a […] Continue reading