Category Archives: Money

#TechTakeout Gets Creative At Carver!

Today the #TechTakeout crew went over to Carver Elementary to work with some amazing kindergarten students and teachers! We had a blast working on some Math skills on both iPads and computers. As a group we made sure to focus on particular skills that the students had trouble with throughout the year. Even though we …

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Posted in 30 Hands, Carver, Farmyard, Fractions, ipad, Kahoot, Kindergarten, Makey Makey, Money, scratch, Shadow Puppet, Tech Takeout | Comments Off on #TechTakeout Gets Creative At Carver!

2nd Grade Money Websites

Today in Ms. Hanks’ class we made our very own money websites.  I saw that David Clough, another elementary ITRT, did this activity so I really wanted to try it.  First, I had the students draw a random amount of money in their math notebooks.  The only stipulation was that they had to use at …

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Posted in 2nd Grade, CheckThis, Counting Money, Dumbarton, Money, Pixie, Website | Comments Off on 2nd Grade Money Websites

Making Change Video Story Problems

Today in Mrs. West’s third grade class at Short Pump Elementary School we made video story problems! They are currently learning about making change, so we used a few different tools to create our making change video story problems. First, the students planned their problem on paper by figuring out what they were going to …

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Posted in 3rd Grade, Making Change, Math, Money, Movie Maker, Padlet, Short Pump Elementary, Webcam | Comments Off on Making Change Video Story Problems

KG Money

Click here to take a look at their awesome work! Kindergarten students in Mrs. Hardiman’s, Miss Lazarchic’s, Mrs. Marone’s, and Mrs. Barradale’s (3.22.10) classes practiced their money skills using Pixie. They also learned how to open a folder full of Pixie slides.  Students identified, sorted, and counted various coins to show what they know. Grab […] Continue reading

Posted in Downloads, Echo Lake, KG, Kindergarten, Math, Money, Pixie | Comments Off on KG Money