Category Archives: Lessons
2nd Grade Meteorologist
Check out these cool Meteorologist helping Wendy Weather!!!
2nd Grade Meteorologist @ Shady Grove Elementary from Ryan Stein on Vimeo.
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Mixbook Project
4th grade @ Skipwith began their year long Mixbook project. This activity is GREAT for centers and combines writing, reading, and social studies.
| Start your own Photo Books | Create custom Christmas Cards
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We LOVE Fall in Kindergarten
Kindergarten Using the iPad
iPads in Kindergarten from Ryan Stein on Vimeo.
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Natives Lesson with Mrs. Smallwood’s 4th Graders
I LOVE teaching about those Natives!!! So much fun with Mrs. Smallwood’s class!!! Natives Lesson (Corn, Beans, & Squash) from Ryan Stein on Vimeo. Continue reading
The ITRT Team
Please view some of the activities that other ITRTs have done the past few weeks. I am lucky to work with such an amazing team!!! Let me know if you want to do any of these activities!
4th Grade News Reporters
Geograghy from Ryan Stein on Vimeo.
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