Category Archives: Lesson Examples

Earth, Sun, and Moon with 1st Grade

We explored the Earth, Sun, and Moon in first grade at Pinchbeck using Comic Life.  The students added pictures and text about what they knew about the Earth, Sun, and Moon and then added their own pictures.  They loved it…
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3rd Grade Animal Podcast

The students in Mr. Schwitters’ third grade class at Ridge drew a picture of an animal in Pixie and researched information about the animal, then they combined the two activities into one podcast.  As the student presented information about the animal, their drawing of the animal was displayed.  They are still working on it, but […] Continue reading

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Kindergarten Past and Present

The kindergarteners used Pixie to explore things from the past and present at Ridge.  They started by completing a click and drag activity and then finished the project by using the drawing tools to draw something they have used from the present.  They did great!

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5th Grade Rock Commercials

Have you ever tried to sell a rock?  The fifth graders at Ridge used iMovie to record themselves presenting information about rocks and the rock cycle.
[There is a video that cannot be displayed in this feed. Visit the blog entry to see the video.]
We had a great time making the commercials!
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Jamestown Comic Life- 4th Grade

The fourth grades at Ridge used Comic Life to create a page dealing with Jamestown and the Powhatan Indians.  The pictures served as a visual timeline and they added facts they knew with each of the pictures.
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Pinchbeck 4th grade ProScope Explorations

The fourth graders at Pinchbeck used the ProScopes to get an up close and personal look at some bugs and examined what types of adaptations they exhibited.  It was VERY cool, and they LOVED it!!!
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Longan Kindergarten pumpkin carving

The kindergarten students at Longan Elementary used the laptops to carve a virtual pumpkin.  They had a great time!
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Pixie Math in First Grade

The first grade students used Pixie to create math problems dealing with apples and leaves.  The students wrote out their math problem, then used the stickers to illustrate their problem.  They LOVED it!
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Third Grade Animal Database

The third graders at Ridge explored using a database while researching animals.  The students added information dealing with the types of eaters the animals are, whether they are predators or if they are prey, and what type of habitat they live in.
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Third Grade Fall writing with Pages

The third graders at Pinchbeck Elementary learned how to use the Pages program by writing about Fall.  They also added a picture that represented what they wrote.  They really enjoyed chaging fonts, sizes, and colors in their writing.
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