Category Archives: Language Arts
1st Grade Earth & Sun Stories
First graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about the Earth and the sun in science (SOL1.6), and they have been learning how to write complete sentences in English (SOL1.13d), so today they wrote Earth & Sun stories with Storymaker. Storymaker gives students a fun way to write and illustrate stories on the computer. First…
1st Grade Winter Compound Words
First graders at Holladay Elementary are learning about winter in science (SOL1.7) and compound words in Language Arts (SOL1.6g), so today students in Ms. Schemmel’s class wrote and illustrated sentences with winter compound words. We used ABCYa! Storymaker, which is a great site for writing in the lower grades. First we brainstormed a list of…
4th Grade New Year Goals
Holladay Elementary is a Leader in ME Lighthouse school (the first elementary school in Virginia to reach that status), and students here try to show the 7 habits of highly effective people. Fourth graders in Ms. Tonello’s class wanted to include the 7 habits in their goals for the new year. Today I showed them…
5th Grade Plant Inferences
Fifth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about plants in science (SOL5.5) and they have been making inferences in reading (SOL5.5i). Since solving riddles often involves making inferences, students in Ms. Kirchmier’s class wrote plant riddles for each other to solve. We used Google slides to create the riddles. I gave them a blank…
#TechTakeout is the Word at Montrose Elementary!
Today the #TechTakeout crew headed over to Montrose Elementary to work on language arts! Mrs. Hues, the ITRT at Montrose, met with the Title I Reading Teacher, Kathy Rohr, to find the grade level and topic with the greatest need. The winners of the #TechTakeout party were 3rd grade! We came in to focus on …
2nd Grade American Indian Place Value
Second graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about the American Indians in Social Studies (SOL2.2) and place value to hundreds in math (SOL2.1). So today Ms. Fournier’s class wrote place value questions about the American Indians for their classmates to solve. I posted an assignment in Google classroom with a blank Google document and…
Kindergarten Rhyming Words
Kindergarten students at Davis Elementary have been learning about rhyming words (K.4b) so today in Ms. Dunkum’s class we creating pictures of rhyming words using Pixie. This was their first lesson with the computers, so we logged in using a generic kindergarten login. I showed the students how to open Pixie by clicking the Start…
Kindergarten Rhyming Words
Kindergarten students at Davis Elementary have been learning about rhyming words (K.4b) so today in Ms. Dunkum’s class we creating pictures of rhyming words using Pixie. This was their first lesson with the computers, so we logged in using a generic kindergarten login. I showed the students how to open Pixie by clicking the Start…
4th Grade Nonfiction Text Features
Fourth graders at Davis Elementary have been learning about nonfiction text features (SOL4.6a) and drawing conclusions using textual information (SOL4.6f). So today students in Ms. White’s class created nonfiction websites using CheckThis. Since they have been studying clouds (Science SOL4.6) and Jamestown (VS.3), they made their websites about one of those topics. First we reviewed…
Bringing Makey Makeys To Middle School!
I teamed up with Emily Roberts, an AWESOME middle school ITRT, to have some fun last week! I went over to Moody Middle School with a few Makey Makeys in hand to work with a small group of 6th grade students. These 6th graders are in a program that helps improve the choices and reactions to …