Category Archives: Ideas
Keynote on Beginning Sounds for Kg
David Clough (another member of my team) made this fabulous activity for Kg students. It is a self-correcting Keynote activity. Each slide has a picture, and an empty box. Students triple click in the empty box, and type the letter of the beginning sound. Here is what it looks like when they click on the […] Continue reading
2nd Grade Science Review
Stephanie Wright made this wonderful Keynote for 2nd graders to use for semester review. On most slides, students drag the correct picture up to the box. When in play mode, all the wrong answers will build out (disappear). This is a great review for your students, and a nice multi-media presentation. Click on picture to […] Continue reading
Civil War – Animated
Wonderful site with great details about different battles. What a great site for students to gather information for Keynotes, Podcasts, or making cool posters on what they are learning. Click on the picture to go to the site. The battles are listed on the left side of the websitel
Daily Technology Use
In February I will be presenting at Ed Tech once again. Jessica Delmonte and I will be presenting “Daily Technology Use” in an attempt to help teachers tackle daily tasks to integrate technology.
The webpage that will accompany this presentation is here.
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Grade 1 Earth and Sun Keynote
Teacher made Keynotes that students fill in information are a lot of fun to do. Once students are finished, they play the keynote and watch the animations the teacher has built in. Here is a great example.
First Grade Earth/Sun Keynote
Click Here to download this template.
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Longan-4th Grade Survey Sreadsheets
The fourth graders at Longan created surveys that they used to collect data from their classmates. The data was then collected and entered into a spreadsheet where the students learned how to graph their findings. They had a great time!
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Longan-5th Grade Digital Stories
Over break, the 5th graders at Longan wrote journal entries for a rubber duck that they cared for. The students photographed their ducks and created a digital story using the photographs and journal entries using iMovie. They came up with some GREAT ideas.
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Kg and Word Processing in Pages (yes Kg)
Kindergarten students used this website to learn where the letter keys are on the keyboard.
Here is the website link: Letterella
Then students used templates for typing word family words, and Kg sight words.
Click here to download these templates.
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typing sight words-Kg
Take a look at this pages document, which shows the students what to type. I used the sight words from Kg.
Here is what it looks like:
Click here to download the template. (Note: I have these for word families as well)
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1st Grade Sun
I created this activity at the request of 1st grade teachers at Longdale. It is a fill in the blank activity that does take a little thinking. There is a word bank included on the template. When the kids are finished, they click back on slide #1 and hit the play button to see their […] Continue reading