Category Archives: Ideas
Quick Running Record Calculator
Here is a quick easy running record calculator. Click on Picture to get to sitel
How children should learn- from the NY times
Wow, a simple, concise idea of what elementary school should look like. Click on picture to see entire article.
Literacy- Reading at home
From the National Institute for Literacy; here is a PDf checklist for parents of all grades to have. Please download and read, and share with your patrons.
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Make a Book In Pixie
Did you know that you can make a story book (title, beginning, middle, end) in Pixie? Attached are all 4 Pixie Documents. When finished, have all 4 open. File > Print All. Selet Book format. It will come out of the printer ready to fold in half hot dog style, then hamburger style, and poof […] Continue reading
First Grade Shapes Project – grade 1
Mrs. Davis at Twin Hickory had her students locate different shapes around the room and on the first grade hallway. Each child got their picture pointing to a shape. We put each student’s picture into a Keynote document, and they added their name and what their shape was. We combined all into 1 Keynote, and […] Continue reading
Writing Website
Are you familiar with Jenny Eather’s Rainforest Maths site? She has an equally wonderful website for writing. Click Here.
Winter – 1st Grade Keynote
Anytime a teacher can grasp a new technology concept (or software) I feel such pride! Mrs. Lamp at Twin Hickory fell in love with Keynote this year (as well as Pixie). She created this winter Keynote for her students; and I only tweaked it a little. Please click here to download […] Continue reading
Solids, Liquids, and Gases
This lesson is made to review solids, liquids, and gases while showcasing the tools in Keynote. The students learned how to use the Alpha tool, move objects to a new layer, and how to add builds to objects to obtain a special effect. This lesson was done in one hour. I have included a generic […] Continue reading
Underground Railroad Podcasts
The 5th graders at Carver took on a great project. This combines language arts, social studies, and technology. The students did research using the web and wrote narrative essays as if they were slaves on the Underground Railroad. The students recorded their voices and selected their background music. The music is by the McIntosh County […] Continue reading
Grade 1 Economics (in Keynote)
We have done 3 Keynote activities at Twin Hickory so far this year. In this Keynote, students had to sort goods and services, needs and wants, watch a clip from United Streaming, and write some sentences about what they have learned. Here is one student sample in movie format. Here is the Keynote file.
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