Category Archives: flipchart
4th Grade Probability Spinners
Ms. Thomas’s 4th graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about probability and predicting the outcome of events (SOL4.13) so today we created digital spinners to test our predictions. A gave them a Promethean flipchart that you can download by clicking here. It has a pre-made spinner, a coin toss, and a random number generator. […] Continue reading
4th Grade Fractions Flipchart
Fourth graders at Davis Elementary have been preparing for the upcoming SOL tests. Some of the questions are what is called TEI, or Technology Enhanced Items. They have been practicing these types of questions using pre-made Promethean flipcharts. Today I wanted to show students in Ms. White’s class how they could make their own TEI […] Continue reading
4th Grade Technology Enhanced Items (TEI)
Fourth graders in Ms. Tonello’s class at Holladay Elementary are preparing for the upcoming SOL tests with Technology Enhanced Items (TEI). There are several pre-made flipcharts that the teachers have been using with their students for practice, but Ms. Tonello wanted her students to learn how to create their own so they’d have a variety […] Continue reading