Category Archives: Coding
5th Grade Southeast Region Facts & Opinions
Fifth graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about the southeast region of the United States in Social Studies and facts and opinions in Reading (SOL5.6i). Today, students in Ms. Brown’s class created an interactive webpage with facts and opinions about a southeastern state. We used a fantastic new site called Wick that teaches coding…
5th Grade Student-Created Review Activities
Fifth graders at Varina Elementary have been reviewing science SOLs for the year. Today, students in Ms. Messer’s and Mr. Williams’ classes used Wick to create interactive review questions. First, we brainstormed a list of topics they have studied this year: weather, rocks, cells, oceans, planets, sound, light, force, and elements. Next, students chose a…
2nd Grade Coding Magnets
Second graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about magnets and magnetism (SOL2.2), so today, students in Ms. Edmonds’ class used Wick to code a magnets activity. First, I showed them a finished sample so they could see what they would be creating. Basically, they will have a person, a magnet, and two objects–one that’s…
2nd Grade Coding Magnets
Second graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about magnets and magnetism (SOL2.2), so today, students in Ms. Edmonds’ class used Wick to code a magnets activity. First, I showed them a finished sample so they could see what they would be creating. Basically, they will have a person, a magnet, and two objects–one that’s…
3rd Grade Coding Money and Change
Third graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about money and counting change up to five dollars (SOL3.8). Today students in Ms. Hunt’s class used a new coding program called Wick to create an interactive math problem about making change. First, I showed them a couple of examples so they could get an idea of…
3rd Grade Coding Money and Change
Third graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about money and counting change up to five dollars (SOL3.8). Today students in Ms. Hunt’s class used a new coding program called Wick to create an interactive math problem about making change. First, I showed them a couple of examples so they could get an idea of…
2nd Grade Counting Coins with Scratch
Second graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning how to count coins up to two dollars (SOL2.10a), so today, students in Ms. Brown’s class used Scratch to create a counting coins activity. First, we reviewed the coins and and practiced counting the value of groups of coins. Then I showed them a sample Scratch activity…
4th Grade Moon Phases with Scratch
Fourth graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about the phases of the moon (SOL4.8), so today, students in Ms.Stevens’ class used Scratch to illustrate the phases. First, we signed into our Scratch accounts and created a new project. I showed them how to click on the background button at the bottom and select a…
5th Grade Programming Cell Parts
Fifth graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about plant and animal cells (SOL5.5a). Today students in Ms. Burgess’s class used Scratch to write a program that identifies the parts of a cell. First, we reviewed the cell parts and their functions and discussed ways that students could research additional information (using books, notes, or…
5th Grade Coding Causes & Effects
Fifth graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about cause-effect relationships (SOL5.5j). Today students in Ms. Neal’s class illustrated cause-effect relationships with animations created in Scratch. First, we brainstormed ideas of different situations that clearly show causality: accidents, sicknesses, successes, failures, surprises, etc. Next, the students logged into their Scratch accounts and created a new…