Category Archives: Aurasma

Wonder, Aurasma, & Choose your Own Adventure!

All of the faculty and students at Holman Middle School are reading the book Wonder by R. J. Palacio. Once finished or throughout the reading, each content area is creating their own thematic unit to go along with the book. The school has also created a blog called All Holman Reads where the school will participate in book talks. What an awesome way to […] Continue reading

Posted in 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, Augmented Reality, Aurasma, Kindergarten, Updates | Comments Off on Wonder, Aurasma, & Choose your Own Adventure!

Flat Stanley Aurasma Project

During this school year, I have really enjoyed going over to Kaechele Elementary School about once a month to help teach and integrate the Augmented Reality App, Aurasma into some classrooms. Mrs. Hyman, the school librarian and information specialist, took the same Flat Stanley Project that most schools do to the next level. As usual, […] Continue reading

Posted in 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, Augmented Reality, Aurasma, Updates | Comments Off on Flat Stanley Aurasma Project

Types of Motion Aurasma Project

Back in December, I talked to 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Givens, about Aurasma. I made her a few examples to show the possibilities. Without hesitation, Mrs. Givens took the challenge head on. Not only did she add this new tool to her classroom, but she taught her grade level how to use it. As an […] Continue reading

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FETC 2014 AR and Aurasma Presentation

This week has been a blast here in Orlando, FL attending the FETC Conference.  I have been to many local and state conferences, but this big national conference, by far, as been this most informative I’ve ever attended.  I have really enjoyed meeting so many new people and Twitter-ers I follow.  Some of my favorites […] Continue reading

Posted in 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, Augmented Reality, Aurasma | Comments Off on FETC 2014 AR and Aurasma Presentation

Augmented Reality in Education: Is it Real?

Today, I had the opportunity to present on Augmented Reality in Education at the University of Mary Washington for an EdTech Conference. Over the past few months, since going to the VSTE Conference in VA Beach, I have been researching different apps that use some form of Augmented Reality. In my brief research, I have […] Continue reading

Posted in 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, Augmented Reality, Aurasma, iPads, Kindergarten | Comments Off on Augmented Reality in Education: Is it Real?