Category Archives: 2nd Grade
2nd Grade U.S. Geography Maps
Second graders at Davis Elementary are learning about map skills and United States geography (SOL2.5). Today students in Ms. McGovern’s class created their own customized Google maps showing the important features like the Great Lakes, the Mississippi River, and the Rocky Mountains. First I posted a link to My Google Maps on Google classroom. The…
2nd Grade Rounding with Habitats
Second graders at Holladay Elementary are learning how to round to the nearest ten in math (SOL2.1b) and they are studying habitats in science (SOL2.5), so today students in Ms. Edmonds’ class created comics about rounding numbers in habitats. First, I posted a link to StoryboardThat on Google classroom. StoryboardThat is an amazing webtool that…
Native American App Smash
We had a blast making videos and smashing apps in 2nd grade! The students were learning about the Eastern Woodlands Native Americans and I wanted to give them a chance to show everything they knew in a fun new way. We recently received 26 iPads from the PTA at Short Pump Elementary, so I have …
Native American App Smash
We had a blast making videos and smashing apps in 2nd grade! The students were learning about the Eastern Woodlands Native Americans and I wanted to give them a chance to show everything they knew in a fun new way. We recently received 26 iPads from the PTA at Short Pump Elementary, so I have …
2nd Grade American Indian Math Animations
Second graders at Davis Elementary have been learning about subtraction in Math (SOL2.7), and they’ve been studying American Indians in Social Studies (SOL2.2). Today students in Ms. Becker’s class created American Indian math animations. First we opened Pixie, and I instructed them to chose the Powhatan, Lakota, or Pueblo Indian tribe to illustrate. We discussed…
2nd Grade American Indian Place Value
Second graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about the American Indians in Social Studies (SOL2.2) and place value to hundreds in math (SOL2.1). So today Ms. Fournier’s class wrote place value questions about the American Indians for their classmates to solve. I posted an assignment in Google classroom with a blank Google document and…
2nd Grade Weather Sequence
Second graders at Davis Elementary have been learning about different types of storms in Science (SOL2.6a) and sequence words in Language Arts (SOL2.6c). So today in Ms. Becker’s room we created weather sequence diagrams using Popplet. This was my first lesson using Popplet since their recent update. Since students aren’t allowed to create accounts, we…
2nd Grade Weather Sequence
Second graders at Davis Elementary have been learning about different types of storms in Science (SOL2.6a) and sequence words in Language Arts (SOL2.6c). So today in Ms. Becker’s room we created weather sequence diagrams using Popplet. This was my first lesson using Popplet since their recent update. Since students aren’t allowed to create accounts, we…
2nd & 5th Grade Superheroes
Many schools have a superhero theme this year, and there are lots of cool websites for turning yourself into a superhero. Some of my favorites are: Hero Machine, Marvel Commics, and Heroized. Today 2nd graders in Ms. Becker’s class and 5th graders in Mr. Cangelosi’s class at Davis Elementary turned themselves into superheroes using Pixie […] Continue reading