Category Archives: 2nd Grade
2nd Grade Ordinal Numbers
Second graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about ordinal numbers (SOL2.2), so today students in Ms. Smith’s class created ordinal number questions for their classmates to solve. First, we used to Google’s Autodraw to draw a series of objects. AutoDraw can guess what you are drawing and offer suggestions. For example, if you draw…
2nd Grade Time Movies
Students at Holladay Elementary have been learning how to tell time to the nearest five minutes (SOL2.12), and today students in Ms. Brown’s class created videos about time using WeVideo. WeVideo is bandwidth intensive, so in order to reduce the number of computers accessing the website, the students worked in pairs. First, we signed into…
2nd Grade Student-Created Money Quizzes
Second graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning how to count and compare a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters whose total value is $2.00 or less and correctly use the cent symbol, dollar symbol, and decimal point (SOL2.10). Today they created their own money quizzes using Google Drawings and Google Forms. First we…
2nd Grade Matter Comics
Second graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about the states of matter (SOL2.3), so today students in Ms. MacKenzie’s class created states of matter comics using StoryboardThat. First we reviewed different types of solids, liquids, and gases so everyone wasn’t doing the same ones. I’ve found that students are very creative when it comes…
Digital Learning Day is Coming Up!!
February 23rd is Digital Learning Day! That’s this THURSDAY!!!! Digital Learning Day is a time to try a new digital tool with your class or use an old digital tool in a new way. Check out this short video about DLD!! The Elementary ITRT’s worked together to create various Digital Breakouts. Use the following website …
2nd Grade Magnet Animations
Second graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about magnets and how opposite poles attract and like poles repel (SOL2.2). Today students in Ms. Jones’ class created magnet animations using ABCYa!Animate. First I explained how animation works (it’s a series of still pictures that are viewed rapidly so it looks like objects in the pictures…
2nd Grade 2-digit Addition or Subtraction
Second graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning how to add and subtract two-digit numbers (SOL2.6 & 2.7), so today students in Ms. Golden’s class used Sketchtoy to animate the steps. SketchToy is a cool website that replays anything you draw. The students could choose to show the steps in solving a 2-digit addition or…
CovaisTech Roundup Episode 2!
Episode 2! In this episode I talk about 3D printing, the Hour of Code and literacy activities on the iPad.
Links to what I talk about:
3D Cell lesson
Hour of Code
Puppet EDU
CovaisTech Roundup Episode 2!
Episode 2! In this episode I talk about 3D printing, the Hour of Code and literacy activities on the iPad.
Links to what I talk about:
3D Cell lesson
Hour of Code
Puppet EDU
2nd Grade Habitats & American Indians Comics
Second graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about animal habitats in Science (SOL2.5b) and American Indian tribes in Social Studies (SOL2.2). Today they could chose an animal or one of the three tribes (Powhatan, Lakota, and Pueblo) and create a comic with three facts. We used StoryboardThat to create the comic. First we added…