Category Archives: 1st Grade
1st Grade Past Present Comics
First graders at Davis Elementary have been studying past and present (SOL1.1), so today students in Ms. Long’s class created past/present comics using StoryboardThat. First we helped them log into Google classroom where I posted the link. Then I showed them how to search for a background from the past and a background from the…
Shadow Plants
I recently had the pleasure of co-teaching with Ms. Gibson at Adams Elementary. Her first graders had been learning about plants and she wanted a fun interactive way to demonstrate their knowledge. After our planning meeting we decided to use Shadow Puppet Edu. This is Continue reading
1st Grade Memory Walls with Padlet
It’s getting close to the end of the year, so many classes are recalling the good times they’ve had together. Today First graders at Holladay Elementary created memory walls using Padlet. Padlet is an online bulletin board where students can post notes, pictures, videos, and files. Teachers create accounts, but students don’t need to sign […] Continue reading
1st Grade Flower Fraction Graphs
First graders at Laburnum have been learning about spring (Science SOL1.7) and fractions (Math SOL1.3). So today students in Ms. Wingfield’s class made spring flower fraction graphs. First we helped them log into Google classroom where I gave them a Google spreadsheet template that you can copy here (File > Make a Copy). The students […] Continue reading
1st Grade Spring PowToons
First graders at Davis Elementary have been learning about the changes that happen in the weather, plants, animals, and people in the spring (SOL1.7), so today students in Ms. Long’s class created animated spring pictures using PowToon. First we discussed some of the changes that happen, and I showed them a few samples so they […] Continue reading
1st Grade Plant App Smash
At Mehfoud Elementary they are talking all about plants in first grade. Mrs. Jones always has her first graders do some hands on learning with plants during this time, and we had an idea to bring some technology into the lesson. While the students were inspecting the different parts of the plants and drawing/labeling their own …
Roundup from EdTech RVA
I was very luck to attend EdTech RVA which was hosted at VCU this year. I had such a great time learning from other educators. Here’s a roundup of the sessions that I attended as well as links to the … Continue reading → Continue reading
1st Grade Fractions in Google Docs
First graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about fractions showing halves, thirds, and fourths (SOL1.3), so today students in Ms. Bower’s class reviewed their fractions while learning how to use Google Docs for the first time. It took a while to help sign everyone into their Google accounts and get into Google classroom, but […] Continue reading
Technology Buddies At Kaechele
In the elementary classrooms across Henrico County we have had a huge shift in technology this year. It was a much needed update, but change is hard. Teachers and students are have all gone from Macs to Dells. On top of new computers there is a new way for elementary students to use these computers. …
1st Grade Compound Words & Shapes
First graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about compound words (SOL1.6g) in language arts, and they’ve been studying shapes (SOL1.13) in math. So today students in Ms. Schumacher’s class created their first Google documents using compound words about shapes. We helped them log into their Google accounts and into Google classroom where I posted […] Continue reading