Category Archives: 1st Grade
1st Grade Melting Matter
First graders at Holladay Elementary have been studying matter (SOL1.3), and they have learned that matter can be solid or liquid. Today, students in Ms. Milteer’s class created animations showing how a solid can turn into a liquid by melting. First, I showed them some time-lapse videos of various solids melting (ice cream, snowman, ice…
1st Grade Animated Services
First graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about goods and services (SOL1.7), so today, students in Ms. Wimmer’s class created animated services with ABCYa! Animate. First, we discussed the differences between goods and services and identified various jobs that provide services (fireman, policeman, doctor, nurse, dentist, teacher, barber, plumber, etc). The students chose a…
1st Grade Earth & Sun Pixie
First graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about the relationship between the Earth and the sun (SOL1.6), so today students in Ms. D’Antonio’s class used Pixie to create a diagram showing that relationship. First, we opened Pixie and used the Paint Bucket to fill the page with the blackness of space. Next, we used…
Word Wall Fun!
Using the iPads during literacy stations can sometimes be hard to incorporate in first grade. You probably put your students on a game app and they get bored with it quickly. Once the student is bored that’s when they start acting up and your stations Continue reading
Word Wall Fun!
Using the iPads during literacy stations can sometimes be hard to incorporate in first grade. You probably put your students on a game app and they get bored with it quickly. Once the student is bored that’s when they start acting up and your stations Continue reading
Digital Learning Day is Coming Up!!
February 23rd is Digital Learning Day! That’s this THURSDAY!!!! Digital Learning Day is a time to try a new digital tool with your class or use an old digital tool in a new way. Check out this short video about DLD!! The Elementary ITRT’s worked together to create various Digital Breakouts. Use the following website …
CovaisTech Roundup Episode 2!
Episode 2! In this episode I talk about 3D printing, the Hour of Code and literacy activities on the iPad.
Links to what I talk about:
3D Cell lesson
Hour of Code
Puppet EDU
CovaisTech Roundup Episode 2!
Episode 2! In this episode I talk about 3D printing, the Hour of Code and literacy activities on the iPad.
Links to what I talk about:
3D Cell lesson
Hour of Code
Puppet EDU
1st Grade Character Feelings
First graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning how to identify characters’ feelings in stories they read, using the illustrations and context clues (SOL1.9). Today students in Ms. Sokolowski’s and Ms. Shelly’s classes drew illustrations of characters showing feelings and wrote sentences about them. Ms. Shelly’s class used ABCYa! Storymaker for this project. First they…
1st Grade Services with -ing words
First graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about goods and services (SOL1.7) and -ing words (SOL1.6e). So today students in Ms. Wimmer’s class wrote sentences about people who provide services, and we used -ing words to describe their work. First we reviewed some of the services they’ve been learning about: firefighters, policemen, barbers, teachers,…