Author Archives: Stephanie

Chamberlayne Tech Takeout

Last Friday we spent the day working with 4th grade at Chamberlayne Elementary. The teachers wanted us to focus on vocabulary, specifically affixes (prefixes, root words and suffixes). We find that affixes is a weak skill across the board in … Continue reading Continue reading

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Glen Lea

Ms. Ashworth’s kindergartners learned about Zing today. Ms. Ashworth had her class set up and ready to go! We helped the kindergartners login and find their avatar. The kindergartners then found a book and had fun reading along. What fun! … Continue reading Continue reading

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January 11, 2016

Today Mrs. Uzel’s fourth grade class tried the site Students worked with the four types of energy. They found pictures of each type of energy in Britanica Image Quest and then added them to Chogger. They then wrote captions … Continue reading Continue reading

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January 6, 2016

Today at Ward, first graders worked on needs and wants in Pixie. Wants and Needs Activity
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Ratcliffe Tech Takeout in December

Last Friday #TechTakeout had the pleasure of going out to Ratcliffe Elementary. We had a blast doing computation with fractions! We first started off doing a Kahoot to get everyone warmed up. It was 5 easy fraction questions, just enough … Continue reading Continue reading

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Tech Takeout at Montrose in November

Today the #TechTakeout crew headed over to Montrose Elementary to work on language arts! Mrs. Hues, the ITRT at Montrose, met with the Title I Reading Teacher, Kathy Rohr, to find the grade level and topic with the greatest need. … Continue reading Continue reading

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Johnson Tech Takeout in October

Today was the #TechTakeout crew’s first day back at it, and we could not have had a better day! We delivered some fun learning to the fifth grade students and teachers at Johnson Elementary. These amazing teachers wanted to focus … Continue reading Continue reading

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December 15, 2015

Second graders did a Nearpod on habitats. We reviewed important information on habitats of animals that often stump the students. Students had the opportunity to draw, write, and answer a,b,c,d questions. Mrs. Alexander’s class began working on their Virginia Studies … Continue reading Continue reading

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December 14, 2015

Mrs. Uzel’s 4th grade class had fun with Nearpod today. Students worked on reading comprehension in a different way. Students loved reading passages on Nearpod then doing short activities in Nearpod. They didn’t even look at it as if it … Continue reading Continue reading

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Google Graphs

Fourth graders created graphs in google sheets to show their testing progress throughout the year. Students graphed their benchmark tests for reading, math, science, and social studies in order to show gains throughout the upcoming year.
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