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Listening to Music Does Make You Work Better
Mikael Cho is the co-founder of ooomf, a network that connects short-term software projects with handpicked developers and designers. Mikael writes about psychology, startups, and …
Five Things Teachers Could Learn from Jimmy Fallon (Even if You’re Not a Fan It’s Worth a Read)
I wasn’t a fan of Jimmy Fallon on SNL. His characters were annoying and his fake news cast didn’t have the false austerity that you get on a show like the Colbert Report. However, I remember giving it a chance early on just t…
7 Tips for Teachers and Parents to Help Struggling Readers
February, 2014. Teaching reading has always been the nucleus of heated debates between two camps of scholars: advocates of the traditional school of literacy emphasize the need for an instructed and learned process of teaching reading. This process is made up of a set of chained stages starting …
How to Create a Virtual Trip Using Google Earth
Being able to frame your field trip enables you to take your students into an education virtual learning trip in which they will engage in authentic and experiential learning. Silvia used Tour of Jacksonville, Florida as an example of the virtual field trip you can create for your students.
Amazing Educators
When snow descended on Atlanta and it became too dangerous for kids to get home, E. Rivers Elementary School principal Matt Rogers threw…
Using Yoga Balls Instead of Chairs
(AP) — Introducing big, bouncy balls into a middle school classroom may seem like a prescription for pandemonium. Switching out traditional desk chairs for yoga balls has helped some students focus, improving their grades. Students have the freedom to wiggle and lightly bounce on the balls as they work, which helps eliminate the jitters common in middle-schoolers, and keeps them focused for longer periods, Flores said. The large, flexible, p…
Great Blooms Posters to Help with Questioning
As 2013 draws to a close, I look back into the content I have been sharing with you here during these last 12 months and I just get amazed at the number of blog posts published during this period of time. On top of my graduate studies in MSVU university ( full time student ) and my teaching, …
Standardized Testing Destroys Creativity
This post was written by Don Batt, an English teacher in Colorado: There is a monster waiting for your children in the spring. Its creators have fashioned it so that however children may pre…
5 Popular Web Tools for Your Classroom
As 2013 draws to a close, here are some of the most popular web-based educational tools that have risen quickly in popularity this past year. You may have heard of some of these. If not, take a look and see if they are relevant to you and your students. Edtech Pro Tip: For your New Year’s …
Storing Photos: Google Drive vs Dropbox
It used to be a pain to get photos off of our phones and to the web where we could share them with others, but both Dropbox and Google Drive make it really easy thanks to auto-uploading. Still, once they’re uploaded, both services offer different storage limits, sharing options, and editing tools. Let’s take a look at which one is best for your shots.