Author Archives: Matt Caratachea
Get Those Students Coding!
Are you interested in getting your students to begin coding? I know that it sounds like a daunting task, especially if you don’t know how to code yourself. Never fear, there are TONS of resources that you can use to jump start coding in your classroom! I know what you’re thinking, “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Matt, …
3rd Grade Soil App Smash
Today in Mrs. Bagley’s 3rd grade class at Kaechele we had a great time doing an app smash covering soil! The students have been learning about the different layers and their characteristics so this was a great way to put their knowledge into action! To make our final project we used a total of 3 different apps …
#TechTakeout Trailer
Julie Smith made this awesome trailer showing a quick glimpse into what we do at #TechTakeout. We have been talking about making a longer video, so be on the lookout for that! Tech Takeout from Julie on Vimeo. Continue reading
#TechTakeout Rocks Out Reading at Glen Lea
Wow! Today marks the fifth day of 5 and 5, the Tech Takeout crew went to 5 different schools in 5 days to work in different grade levels on different math and language arts skills. As a group we discussed the areas of need in each of the schools we visited. The teachers provided us …
#TechTakeout Takes on Highland Springs!
Today was our third Tech Takeout this week! We are having a blast working with different schools and grade levels across the county. For our third adventure we trekked over to Highland Springs Elementary to work on word analysis skills. Each pair of ITRTs developed different hands on technology lessons to get the kids pumped …
#TechTakeout Comes to Lakeside
This week is our 5 Schools, 5 Days with Tech Takeout. The Tech Takeout crew is going to a different school every day and working on specific skills with students. Today was our first day and we kicked off 5 Schools, 5 Days at Lakeside Elementary School. We were so excited to work with the …
3rd Grade Geometry Blabberize
Today in Mrs. Reed’s third grade class we used Blabberize to show off our geometry knowledge. Before we began the lesson we had a conversation about plane and solid shapes using important vocabulary and comparing/contrasting the two types of shapes. I had all of the students log into their Google accounts and pull up a …
5 Schools, 5 Days
Next week the Tech Takeout crew will be visiting a different school everyday! We cant wait to do an entire week of Tech Takeouts. Keep an eye out for the blog posts. Thanks Jim Covais for making the awesome promo picture! Continue reading