Author Archives: Matt Caratachea
#TechTakeout Gets the Main Idea at Johnson!
Today was the #TechTakeout crew’s first day back at it, and we could not have had a better day! We delivered some fun learning to the fifth grade students and teachers at Johnson Elementary. These amazing teachers wanted to focus on Language Arts, and in particular main idea and details. Each pair of ITRTs broke …
Graphs and Padlet
Last year Jessica Robinson, an awesome Henrico County Elementary ITRT, blogged about using an awesome free online graphing tool on the Math is Fun website. This is a great resource because it is very similar to what the students will see at the end of the year on their SOL tests. I wanted to try …
3rd Grade App Smash
We had a blast at Crestview smashing some great apps together! The students were learning about food chains so the teachers wanted to focus on important terms such as predator, prey, consumer, and producer. At Crestview we have enough iPads in the library and the classes to pair the students up to work on whole …
3D Printing at Short Pump Elementary
At Short Pump Elementary we are starting the year off right! Our Elementary Instructional Technology Department wrote a grant last year for a 3D printer and some Makey Makeys. Jim Covais, one of my fellow elementary ITRTs, taught a class this summer that utilized the greatness of the 3D printer in an educational way. Once …
Back To School Pixie Templates
Today is the first day of school! It’s always a really exciting day for teachers, students, and parents. I’ll be working with a third grade class at Crestview Elementary this morning and we are going to use Pixie to get to know each other a little better. Here are two quick, easy, and simple Pixie …
Kindergarten Insect Selfies
Today in Mrs. Rademacher’s kindergarten class at Kaechele Elementary we turned ourselves into insects! The students had just finished learning all about insects so we used PicMix to have a little fun. Mrs. Rademacher gathered a handful of pictures for the students to use and put them in a Google folder. I made a QR …
#TechTakeout Gets Creative At Carver!
Today the #TechTakeout crew went over to Carver Elementary to work with some amazing kindergarten students and teachers! We had a blast working on some Math skills on both iPads and computers. As a group we made sure to focus on particular skills that the students had trouble with throughout the year. Even though we …
You’re Invited!
Tomorrow is the BIG day! Come join us at Glen Allen High School for the Student 21 Fair and Henrico 21 Awards Ceremony!