Author Archives: Matt Caratachea
Fun Back To School Night Activity
Back to school night will be here before you know it! Here is a fun idea that you might want to try for your class this year. I came across this picture, which is a GREAT idea to show off book reports as a hallway display. It got me thinking though. What about instead of …
Mrs. Hofferbert’s First Grade Class
This morning I went into Mrs. Hofferbert’s first grade class. She wanted them to log onto their new computers, which I think has been scary for a lot of teachers. They don’t know what to expect because we have never done it before. However, Mrs. Hofferbert is a total rock star! She was ready to …
Ms. Ricca’s 5th Grade Presentation
I was in Ms. Ricca’s 5th grade class at Dumbarton while her students were working on their About Me Google Presentation. It was so great to see so many kids getting their hands on some exciting stuff! It was great to see their faces light up when they noticed how everyone was working on the same presentation …
Tyler Hart blogged about a GREAT resource that teachers can take advantage of in their classrooms. It is a website called Pixect. Since getting our new computers, taking pictures with the webcam seems to be an issue that keeps coming up. With our Macs we could just use Photo Booth, but there wasn’t a great replacement installed …
What A Great First Week!
Wow! We did it! With the first week of school coming to a close it seems like everything is slowly falling into place. Even though there are still a few speed bumps with all of our new technology and changes with everything this year it is so great to see all of the smiles on …
SOL Snapshot in Edmodo!
Those of you who know me know that I am huge on Edmodo. I love it, and used it every year in my class while I was a classroom teacher. I’ve presented on it a few times, and always try to get more people on board with the Edmodo fan club! With Google Classroom …
Optional Blogs and Training Notes
BLOG 1.0 – The Beginning Steps: 8:00 – 8:50 AM Learn the first steps in creating your classroom blog. Learn how to login, select a theme, & insert a header, background, pages & posts. Blogging 2.0 – Tips and Tricks: 9:00 – 9:50 AM Explore some great widgets to add to your blog. We will insert links, …
Student Login Cards
Thank you Julie Smith for making these amazing Login cards for teachers to use! Check out the sample and then click the link to start using them! Click here to get the cards. To start editing click File –> Make a copy Thanks Julie!! Continue reading
Dell Part 2…The Sequel!
This week I’ll be going into my schools to help with the next step in our transition away from our slow aging Macs to our new fast Dells! We will be hitting on a few important details as well, but my favorite part is that I finally get to meet all of the wonderful people …