Author Archives: Julie G. Goode

All About Mrs. Covington’s Class

Covington from Julie on Vimeo.
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All About Mrs. Covington’s Class

Covington from Julie on Vimeo.
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Mrs. Seccia’s Leaders

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Back to School Training

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Mail Migration

This week we will be setting up Outlook on your Dell computer when I come to your school for training. If you want to transfer any emails from your MAC then you will need to set that up by following … Continue reading Continue reading

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Back to School Activity

As you are planning your Back to School activities remember that it is not only important for you to get to know your students, but to also have your students get to know Y-O-U! Kids LOVE to know all about … Continue reading Continue reading

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2014-2015 ITRTs

ITRT, David Clough, is an artistic genius! Check out this amazing drawing of all the Henrico County Elementary ITRTs! Can you find your ITRT in this picture?

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Back to School Selfie Projects

ONE WEEK left to get in those last minute rays of sunshine and mid-day snoozes! I am looking forward to kicking off the year with some fun and exciting techie projects with you and your new kiddos. In the last … Continue reading Continue reading

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TLDR Chrome Extension: Summarizing GENIUS!

If you are into Chrome extensions then check out TLDR immediately! This extension is unbelievable for adults and kids. Simply go to any website and click the TLDR icon once you have it installed on your Chrome browser: A summary … Continue reading Continue reading

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14′-15′ HSES Scotties Empower Video

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