Ozobot Plows

In March I attended EdTech RVA at VCU and went to a session on Ozobots.  The presenters had a variety of stations and activities set up.  I thought this station was pretty awesome!  They had 3D printed a plow to go onto the Ozobot and the task was to plow the snow (tiny foam balls) off of the road.

This week I had an opportunity to try a similar idea in Mrs. Martin’s 2nd grade class.  Using the schools new Cetus 3D printer and file I found on Thingiverse, I printed a plow for the Ozobots.  We practiced having the Ozobot collect small pieces of a paper towel and putting it into the recycling bin.

Mrs. Martin has an awesome idea for the Ozobot with the plow sequencing a story.  Stay tuned for this awesome lesson!


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