Fifth graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about sound (SOL5.2), so today students in Ms. Capano’s class created sound eBooks. I explained that an eBook can do things that a regular book can’t do. It can have videos, animations, and sounds, which make it perfect for a sound book. First, Ms. Capano set up a class in BookCreator, and her students joined with a code. Then we created a new book. I asked them all to choose the square shape, so when we combined the books together at the end, they would all match in size. For the cover, I showed them how to change the color, add a title, pick a font, and search the web for a photo of sound. Inside the book, I instructed them to write complete sentences about sound. If they used a vocabulary word, like frequency or amplitude, then they could make it bold. They could also add photos of objects that make sound or draw sound waves with the pen tool. When they finished their pages, I showed them how to search for and download sounds on SoundBible. Then we uploaded our sounds to our books by clicking the + button and choosing Import > Files. Now we have a book about sound that actually has sounds in it! I combined all their books together into one class book. You can read their book here. (UPDATE: I taught a similar lesson on 3/20 with Ms. DiMatteo’s class at Holladay, and you can read their book here).