A couple of weeks ago, students in Ms. Brennan’s class had an introductory Ozobot lesson. During this time, I introduced the Ozobots and showed them how the color coding works with white paper and markers. The students had an opportunity to explore with a partner and design their own paths/ code for the Ozobots to follow. This exploration time allowed them to see how the Ozobots work in preparation for the more involved lesson regarding a road trip consisting of landmarks across the United States.
Today, students were provided a large map of the United States. Working in small groups, students coded the Ozobots so it traveled to the following locations: Atlantic Ocean, Richmond, VA (on the James River), Appalachian Mountains, Great Lakes, Mississippi River, Rocky Mountains, Rio Grande, Powhatan Trive, Lakota Sioux Tribe, Pueblo Tribe, and Texas. They worked as group to decide which color codes they had the Ozobot use to make the journey to visit all locations. We video recorded the Ozobots making the trip to all of the locations and during our next lesson, we will turn it into a QR code to affix to the map so others can scan the QR code and see the Ozobots in action.
During a later lesson, students will video themselves providing a fact about each of the locations they visit on the map. We will turn these videos into QR codes and attach it to the map next to each location.
Road Trip across the United States using Ozobots
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