Third graders at Holladay Elementary have been learning about food chains (SOL3.5), so today students in Ms. Whittaker’s class created an animated food chain using code in Scratch. First, we reviewed the different types of aquatic and terrestrial food chains, and we discussed how all food chains start with the sun. Next, I helped the students set up their Scratch accounts. We started a new project, deleted the cat sprite (the default character), and I showed them how to draw their own sprites. They drew a sun, a plant, an animal to eat the plant (an herbivore), and an animal to eat that animal (a carnivore). Since it was going to be animated, they also drew several costumes for each sprite. For example, their sun sprite had costumes showing the rays shining down on the plant, and their plant sprite had costumes showing how it was being eaten. Finally the students added code to each sprite. The sun code looped through the costumes so it repeatedly sent rays to the plant. The other sprites’ codes programed them to move and cycle through the costumes at different time intervals, making it look like they were eating and getting eaten. We shared our project links on Schoology, but you can see them all here.