Third graders at Holladay Elementary have been studying animals and their habitats in Science (SOL3.4, 3.5, 3.6). They have also been learning about how to write research reports in Language Arts (SOL3.11). Today students in Ms. Ambrose’s class researched an animal of their choice with PebbleGo and created a 3-D report using CoSpaces. First, students selected an animal and used PebbleGo to find out about its habitat and its design, or adaptations. We discussed whether PebbleGo is a reliable website (it is :). Next, we logged into CoSpaces with our Google accounts, and I showed them how to choose a background image that looked like the animal’s habitat. Then we searched for a 3-D model of our animal (or an animal that looked similar). I explained that they can change the color of their animal by right clicking on it. They also needed to use the right-click to make the model accessible in Blockly (the coding language). We wanted to code the animal to speak about itself and share the facts we learned, but before we could do that, we had to record ourselves. We used Vocaroo to record and save an MP3 file (you could also use Audacity). We uploaded the file to CoSpaces using the Upload button. Finally, in Blockly, we added a few bits of code to make the animal speak when you click on it. Some of the students even added code to make the animal move. We published our projects and shared the links on Schoology. You can see them all here.