As I’ve mentioned in some of my other posts, Echo Lake has a new cart of iPads (thanks to a Papa John’s Pizza prize)! Their art teacher Mrs. James reached out about wanting to slowing start incorporating these iPads into some of her art lessons. She showed me some of the art projects her students were currently working on I decided to introduce her to Chatterpix!
Mr. Kresge’s kids were our trial run. They had finished their Sugar Skulls and were ready to bring their projects to life. These 5th graders needed about 2 minutes of a Chatterpix refresher and then they were ready to roll.
Students took a picture of their Sugar Skull, introduced themselves as if they were the Sugar Skull and then exported their project to the camera roll. Then the logged into Drive on the iPads, uploaded their project and shared it with Mrs. James. Check out some of their finished products!