Third graders at Varina Elementary have been learning about matter and how it changes states from solid to liquid to gas and back to solid again (SOL3.3). Today students in Ms. Galvin’s, Ms. Long’s, and Ms. Hummel’s classes used Google slides and Scratch to show different types of matter changing states. Ms. Hummel’s class focused on water in their Google slideshows. We used the Transitions feature to animate pictures of water fading from solid ice to liquid or from liquid to water vapor. Ms. Galvin’s and Ms. Long’s classes chose different types of matter that can melt and freeze (like chocolate, ice cream, and Popsicles). First, they drew two costumes for their object (the solid state and the liquid state). Then they added code so that clicking the object changes its state, or costume. Some students also added code for their objects to “say” a fact about the state of matter. When their projects were finished, we published them online and shared the links on Schoology. You can see them all here.