Third graders at Laburnum Elementary have been learning about multiplication arrays (SOL3.6), so today students in Ms. Forrester’s class created videos explaining multiplication arrays with Educreations. First, we reviewed arrays and how to use them to solve a multiplication problem. I pointed out that they probably wouldn’t want to make a big array (like 12×12) because they will need room on their picture to explain each step. Next, we went to ABCYa! Paint to create the array since it has some cool stickers (robots, monsters, cupcakes, etc) they can use. I reviewed the importance of aligning the groups neatly. When they finished, we imported the image into Educreations and recorded ourselves counting the groups and explaining how many were in each group. Finally, we wrote the multiplication problem and solved it. Each student posted the link to their video in Schoology, but you can see them all here. (I taught a similar lesson with Ms. Kazlau’s class at Trevvett where we used ABCYa! Animate. You can see those here).