Second graders at Trevvett Elementary have been learning about ordinal numbers (SOL2.2), so today students in Ms. Smith’s class created ordinal number questions for their classmates to solve. First, we used to Google’s Autodraw to draw a series of objects. AutoDraw can guess what you are drawing and offer suggestions. For example, if you draw a rough circle, it will provide a perfect circle to replace it with, or it may suggest an orange, a ball, or a wheel. So it’s a great way for students to practice their drawing skills without worrying about being perfect. I explained that their series of objects needed to be in one straight line so their classmates could tell the ordinal positions correctly. Then we used the text tool to type a question. They could either give the position of an object and ask for its identity (“What is in the 3rd place?“) or they could name the object and ask for its position (“In what place is the apple?”). When they finished, the students downloaded their images and shared them in an album on Schoology. Now they can answer each other’s questions in the comments or Ms. Smith can present them on the projector for a review. You can see them all here (and here’s a link to Mr. Gunter’s class at Holladay, who did the same project).