With my paternity leave I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself at your faculty meetings during teacher work week.
For those of you that don’t know me, I’m Jim Covais the ITRT (Instructional Technology Resource Teacher) at Adams, Ratcliffe, Baker and Glen Lea Elementary. I’m here to plan and coteach lessons with you. Everything we do is centered around SOLs and how to make learning exciting for your students.
Just like a reading specialist focuses on the reading part of the curriculum; I focus on the use of technology across all subject areas in the classroom. Now I’m not just talking about putting kids on a website during rotations. I’m talking about using technology in a meaningful way that encompasses 21st century skills.
You may be thinking to yourself, “Yeah sounds great, I don’t have time to figure out what technology to use.” That’s why I have a job! When you set up a meeting to plan out a lesson all you need to know is what SOL you want to teach. I’ll help you choose the right piece of technology to incorporate in your lesson.
If you’re ready to start planning out a lesson click Sign Up at the top of the page and set up a planning meeting.
Be sure to like my page of Facebook and follow me on Twitter and Instagram!
Have a wonderful school year!