Windows Movie Maker for Librarians!

I love working with Mrs. Hally, the librarian at Longdale Elementary! She has so many amazing ideas and is excited about putting them into action.

Today, Mrs. Hally and I worked with her second grade group to finish movies they have been making to share with the rest of the students at LES. Mrs. Hally wants to educate all of her students with useful tips like how to use the online library catalog and the five finger rule. What better way to do this than through student-created videos?!

Students worked with Mrs. Hally to create scripts, film themselves in the library, and upload their videos into Windows Movie Maker. They were then able to add titles, credits, and cool effects to their videos. Our final step today was to find interesting music clips to give the videos that special touch. We previewed a large selection of music clips from and eventually decided on some catchy tunes! It was fun to clip the files so that the sounds were exactly what each student wanted (you’ll see how Kristen had some fun with this in the video below!).


We then published the videos, uploaded them to Drive, and shared them. Mrs. Hally plans to use them on the morning announcements!


Check out Kristen’s video!

KRISTEN TIPS AND TRICKS from Christina Aquilina on Vimeo.

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